How to a create puzzle

Can anyone point me in the right direction for how to create something I can cut on the laser.


This is a very broad question so I provide a simple project to help you get going. If I have completely missed what you are asking for, please re-word and try again.

I’m trying to find recommendations on how to create puzzles, the layout of the pieces. This can then be used in Light Burn to print out the puzzle. I’ve looked for any software that can be used for this and have not found anything. something like telling it how many pieces and the dimensions.

The search feature comes in handy sometimes:

It will find you things like this:

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I use the online puzzle generator, it is important to get the cuts all going across first, then all the cuts going up and down next. Done like that, the pieces don’t tend to fall out randomly and get marred by another cut going over them again. I print inkjet on regular paper, spray adhesive or use wood glue to paste the image on a piece of mount board, then do the cutting. If you use wood glue, best to weight it down and leave it overnight to dry. Lots of fun for kids, might be a good thing for your children’s teachers to have custom puzzles made.! The link to the puzzle generator; you can save the page and use it as an application on your hard drive- don’t need to be connected to the web to use it!

Thanks for the information. I just discovered that “Inkscape” has a puzzle plug-in that exactly what I’m looking for. There are several parameters, size, number of pieces etc.

I tried the one by Neon22 (I think that was the name) It did not work with the latest version of Inkscape 1.0. So the website that you can download and use works with any app that takes an SVG file. EDIT: I am using Inkscape on a Mac. A plugin that does work in Inkscape 1.0 on the Mac is: It makes an image in 3 layers that magically have the right order when cutting the file in Lightburn!

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