Hey all. I am trying to re-create this patch in lightburn. I am all set EXCEPT for the top part with the large arc over the top. I’m sure I’m missing a simple function, maybe with the nodes but I cant seem to get it. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Arson.lbrn (174.5 KB)
2 approachs I can suggest:
- Approximate the curve using an ellipse. Use an inset/outset to give it thickness. Then cut off the ends.
- When using the Edit Nodes tool you can directly bend a straight line. First select the line using the Edit Nodes tool. Then hover the mouse pointer over the line you want to bend. The pointer will change to reticle shape. Click left mouse button to grab the line then move the pointer in the direction you want to bend. It’s fairly difficult to do this in a really precise way, however, so be aware.
The top curve looks like an arc of a circle with the same centrepoint but a larger radius than the full circle.
EDIT: Probably should expand on that. I’d draw two circles (one larger than the other) with the same centrepoint, then draw two vertical lines from the sides of the inner circle straight up through the outer circle. Select the two lines and the outer circle and ‘convert to path’, then select ‘edit nodes’, move mouse to bottom of larger circle and press ‘T’. Then move the mouse up to the top of each of the lines and press ‘T’ on them as well. ESC and you’re done.
I never thanked each of you. My apologies. The finished product came out amazing!!!
That helped a lot!
Step by step perfect example - turned a difficult task into a simple one!