How to edit existing text/numbers in a file?

Hi friends. I am pulling my hair out over this…how do I edit (or can I) edit exiting text and numbers in a file? I found this newborn infant notice image I am trying to change. For example how would I change ETHAN to WILLIAM. I have tried following a few topics in search results that say to double click the text to change it with no luck.

I would trace image and use outline then input your own text and lettering.

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First convert file to svg then inport into lightburn.
Since the text and numbers are graphic and not text they can not be edited. As mentioned above just delete and add your own text and numbers


Is it possible that the graphic has been grouped to prevent accidentally getting elements out of position? If you click on it and only get one set of corners then it has been grouped. Select it and use the “ungroup” tool to see if you can get individual control of the elements. You might need to delete the ones you don’t want and put your own artwork in the empty spaces. But you might be lucky and find that ungrounding the artwork let’s you select the just the text and change it.

Thank you. That makes sense.

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Additional suggestion, if I may, after importing as SVG - I might consider moving the shapes / objects you are going to replace / modify to one of the ‘Tools Layer’ to preserve the look / layout. I have found this helpful when editing existing designs to match / keep the overall desired look. :slight_smile:

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