How to install lightburn macro into coreldraw 6

Have newest version of lightburn installed in win 10 with coreldraw 6. Am unable to install the coreldraw macro. Is there a solution?

Try this one. It worked for me.

Corel Draw export to LightBurn

  1. Open the Macro Manager

  2. Create a new module in the GlobalMacros project

  3. Name the new module lightburn and right click and select edit.

  4. Copy the following into the open page

Sub Lightburn()
Dim answer As Integer
Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange
Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange
Dim expopt As StructExportOptions
Set expopt = CreateStructExportOptions
expopt.UseColorProfile = True
Dim expflt As ExportFilter

Dim out_file As String
out_file = "C:" & Environ("HOMEPATH") & "\"
If Len(Dir$(out_file)) > 0 Then
    Kill (out_file)
End If

' is an item selected?
If ActiveSelectionRange.Count > 0 Then
    ' something is selected export it
    Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx(out_file, cdrAI, cdrSelection, expopt)
    With expflt
        .Version = 2 ' FilterAILib.aiVersionCS2
        .TextAsCurves = True
        .PreserveTransparency = True
        .ConvertSpotColors = True
        .SimulateOutlines = False
        .SimulateFills = False
        .IncludePlacedImages = True
        .IncludePreview = True
        .EmbedColorProfile = True
    End With
    answer = MsgBox("Nothing was selected, Export All?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Export All")
    If answer = vbYes Then
        ' Export everything
        Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx(out_file, cdrAI, cdrAllPages, expopt)
        With expflt
            .Version = 2 ' FilterAILib.aiVersionCS2
            .TextAsCurves = True
            .PreserveTransparency = True
            .ConvertSpotColors = False
            .SimulateOutlines = False
            .SimulateFills = False
            .IncludePlacedImages = True
            .IncludePreview = True
            .EmbedColorProfile = True
        End With
        'do nothing
        Exit Sub
    End If
End If

' Edit this like if lightburn is in a diffrent location
Call Shell("C:\Program Files\LightBurn\LightBurn.exe " & out_file, vbNormalFocus)

End Sub

It should look like this.

  1. Close the macro editor

  2. Now we need to add the button to the toolbar. Open the options menu.

  3. Select commands under the customization section and make sure the macro option is selected in the drop-down. Then drag the lightburn.lightburn macro to the toolbar.
    7.1. Optional: Change Icon.
    Select the Appearance tab and select the lightburn macro. download logo.ico from the files section in the facebook group. Click the browse buttion and select logo.ico. you can also set a caption which will change lightburn.lightburn to anything you want.

  4. Now select the objects you want and click the button and Lightburn will be opened and the objects will be auto-imported.

Tried this,got, “runtime error 438 object doesn’t support this property or method”

How about this one.
Same method.

’ LightBurn CorelDraw exporter / launcher
’ Thanks to Casey Gadd for the original version

Sub Lightburn()
Dim answer As Integer
Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange
Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange
Dim expopt As StructExportOptions
Set expopt = CreateStructExportOptions
expopt.UseColorProfile = True
Dim expflt As ExportFilter

Dim outputFile As String
outputFile = "C:" & Environ("HOMEPATH") & "\"
If Len(Dir$(outputFile)) > 0 Then
    Kill (outputFile)
End If

'Is anything selected?
answer = vbYes  ' Assume success

If ActiveSelectionRange.Count = 0 Then
    'Export everything if there's no selection
    Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx(outputFile, cdrAI, cdrAllPages, expopt)
    Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx(outputFile, cdrAI, cdrSelection, expopt)
End If

If answer = vbYes Then
    With expflt
        .Version = 2 ' FilterAILib.aiVersionCS2
        .TextAsCurves = True
        .PreserveTransparency = True
        .ConvertSpotColors = False
        .SimulateOutlines = False
        .SimulateFills = False
        .IncludePlacedImages = True
        .IncludePreview = True
        .EmbedColorProfile = False
    End With

    Call Shell("C:\Program Files\LightBurn\SendUDP.exe " & """" & outputFile & """", vbHide)
End If

End Sub

Not sure why it is posting like that. But you need all of it.

Here is the txt file. May help. I used it on X6.

Corel Draw export to LightBurn V3 X5compatible.txt (4.5 KB)

Get the same error message.

Ok, I pulled this out of my corel macro editor.

Sub Lightburn()
Dim answer As Integer
Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange
Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange
Dim expopt As StructExportOptions
Set expopt = CreateStructExportOptions
expopt.UseColorProfile = True
Dim expflt As ExportFilter

Dim out_file As String
out_file = "C:" & Environ("HOMEPATH") & "\"
If Len(Dir$(out_file)) > 0 Then
    Kill (out_file)
End If

' is an item selected?
If ActiveSelectionRange.Count > 0 Then
    ' something is selected export it
    Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx(out_file, cdrAI, cdrSelection, expopt)
    With expflt
        .Version = 2 ' FilterAILib.aiVersionCS2
        .TextAsCurves = True
        .PreserveTransparency = True
        .ConvertSpotColors = True
        .SimulateOutlines = False
        .SimulateFills = False
        .IncludePlacedImages = True
        .IncludePreview = True
        .EmbedColorProfile = True
    End With
    answer = MsgBox("Nothing was selected, Export All?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Export All")
    If answer = vbYes Then
        ' Export everything
        Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx(out_file, cdrAI, cdrAllPages, expopt)
        With expflt
            .Version = 2 ' FilterAILib.aiVersionCS2
            .TextAsCurves = True
            .PreserveTransparency = True
            .ConvertSpotColors = False
            .SimulateOutlines = False
            .SimulateFills = False
            .IncludePlacedImages = True
            .IncludePreview = True
            .EmbedColorProfile = True
        End With
        'do nothing
        Exit Sub
    End If
End If

' Edit this like if lightburn is in a diffrent location
Call Shell("C:\Program Files\LightBurn\LightBurn.exe " & out_file, vbNormalFocus)

End Sub

Again, not sure why it is pasting like that.
copy everything below “Ok, I pulled this out of my corel macro editor.” starting with Sub

Finally success. Had to debug it and remove a couple of lines of text. Thanks so much

I know I had problems with it, but that was a year ago and can’t remember. Glad you got it.

Hi, I had to delete "embedcolorprofile to make this work and although it works objects come in all different colors. Any suggestions?

I get different colors from the corel file, but still works. Since I have to change cut setting anyway, it doesent bother me.
I do have the “embedcolorprofile” still in there, so not sure if that makes a difference or not.
Colors all come in on there own layer and separate from other colors.
Are you saying same colors are changing to multiple different colors?

Yes. Lightburn is changing some of the layer colors, even giving the same layer multiple colors.

Need to think about this one.
Is it possible the corel file has colors that are close but off by just a bit? Just a guess on that one.

If you can, post the corel file (or pm it) and I will see if I get the same thing.
I am on X6, so anything newer will not open for me unless you back save it.

Lightburn maps the Corel colors you use to the nearest RGB color it uses. You might want to create a CorelDraw color palette that matches the Lightburn Colors. Pretty sure these are the right colors.
Lightburn colors

I can just change the colors back in Lightburn, seems like the easiest solution. Can’t figure out haw to save the module though, have to reload if I shut down Corel.

Typo, can’t figure out haw to save the module

In lightburn under the help menu, there should be “coreldraw macro setup help”
Have a look through that. May be a better way to set it up.