I am Neje user and i have problem with error17 when i am trying to change to laser mode ($32=1)

Zrzut ekranu 2022-03-14 110146
Everything is set correctly but i cant change $32.

i change to grbl-1.1f and laser is moving end trying to cut but it cuts beetween cutts.
sorry for my english

If you haven’t already, I believe you need to change the value of $30 also and make sure that number matches the ‘S’ Value max found under device settings.
Most set these two to 1000 ( $30=1000 and ‘S’ Value max 1000) it is important that they match

i did it

Is it all working now ?

does not work. I have a problem with setting $32, I can not change it because an error pops up (error17)
it does cut but it cuts beetwen cuts

Yes that will happen until you can successfully enable $32=1. I hope someone will come along with a solution for you

Here is an old thread, not sure it will help too much, but worth a look

yes i saw it but i still have problems thanks for trying :slight_smile:

Did you make any changed based on the other post? The original poster lists instructions for what he did to make it work.

You need a firmware that has PWM output enabled or this won’t work. Apparently the firmware you installed doesn’t have this.

I would recommend the custom firmware from LaserGRBL:
LaserGRBL/02-v1.1h-custom, XY Homing-20190830.hex at master ¡ arkypita/LaserGRBL ¡ GitHub

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i didnt make any changes. “The original poster lists instructions for what he did to make it work.” What do u mean by that? where should i instal 1.1h? what should i do with it?

The post where he describes it here:

Now he has a Neje Master 2 whereas you have a Master 1. I don’t know if those lasers get specific firmware.

i think they do thats why u need to use Neje grlb uplouder

This was taken from the feature suggestions. I don’t know whether this is still the case, but doesn’t sound to hopeful


i cant get lightburn to burn with my neje laser. i get error:17 when i try to change $32=1. i heard it may be a pwm problem? can you get lightburn to automatically recognize the neje 30 watt laser??



The issue is with NEJE’s porting of GRBL to the machine, not LightBurn.


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¡ Dec 2020

That is NEJE themselves - They crippled their version of GRBL firmware on the NEJE master 1. They have apparently improved this for version 2.

okej so i will try to contact neje and ask them for help thx u all <3

Either way I think both Master 1 and Master 2 have Atmega328p based controllers. I’d be surprised if it couldn’t be made to work.

That sounds more like they’d rather sell you a new control board than fix their firmware. I doubt there’s anything in your hardware that makes it incompatible.

If you’re not precious about your laser potentially getting bricked you could probably load the firmware from LaserGRBL and have it work. You should be able to go back to an official firmware if there’s a problem.

I tried to change the firmware, but here there is a problem with the arduino application.
well, I will use the application from neje

You needn’t use Arduino. The person in the linked post simply renamed the file to one of the existing files in the Neje upgrade tool.

This is from github grbl…

Error 17 means you don’t have spindle PWM enabled. Laser mode doesn’t work unless you enable PWM.

The other document probably is more accurate, but thought I’d pass it on…

Don’t know what machine, but it was noted there…
