Ikier K1 Max Pro 48 Watt: Machine exceeds maximum range of motion

Need a little help SVP. Running Lightburn V 1.7.03 on Windows 11 OS. Just took my Elegoo Phecda 20W off my bench after a year of faithful service (now a backup). In its place I put my new (to me) Ikier K1 Max Pro 48/24 that I very recently bought and had not tried yet. Loving this machine so far but it glitches out on the right side of the engrave/cut boundary when I am trying to cut out or engrave something near the right side limits of the machine. I am only day 2 into this unit (a full year with the Phecda) so no doubt I have something set wrong. Have made a few things with the Ikier but anytime I try to maximize the work space to say near 400mm X 400m (should go close to 410 x 410), I get an error message and the laser head stops when it gets close to right edge of the work space (seems that the work area is far to the right on my machine compared to the Phecda). I then see the message: machine exceeds maximum range of motion. The bothersome thing is I always run a frame of the work boundary first to make sure I am in limits and it is always successful. It is only when I execute the job and the laser head gets near the right side (where it was previously successful in framing), the machine stops the job with that frustrating error message. Is this possibly a Lightburn issue?

Has anyone run into this issue and maybe have some suggestions as to what I did wrong? I do a successful auto focus before this as well I find the auto focus is not particularly reliable because sometimes when I execute it the laser head gets lost when I bring it back to the origin. Also, when I home after auto focussing, the auto focus positioning is lost and I have to refocus after homing. Is there any way to home wothout dumping the auto focus setting?


In the Console window type $$ then press enter. Copy/Paste the results here. Please post a screenshot of your entire Lightburn screen with your project loaded and the Cuts/Layers Panel and Laser Panel visible. Also post a screenshot of the Settings Window (Gears icon) with the Units and Grids tab visible and post a screenshot of the Device Settings Window (Wrench and Screwdriver icon).

Here is the $$ report: Ikier_$$_Report.txt - Google Drive

Try turning off the pointer offset and see if that helps.

Will do - am trying again first. I rebooted my computer and lightburn totally forgot everything I had setup including the machine. I was thinking it may be the pointer but then the pointer would be useless and I have come to rely on it for sheet placement etc since it was a big feature I wanted. Will report back how this run does after I have reset everything to recommended

Top center.

Thanks, I know.
See this:

Have started a cut job with crosshairs disabled. I think that is going to work. After this I am going to try -53.5 for X-Axis correction. I dont think that will solve it because I played with a bit but will see what happens…

I followed this guy precisely and the way I did it seemed to work for him…
Could be I am dyselxic though :wink:

I’m pretty sure that the crosshair reduces your working area by the dimension of offset.

Well, that was unexpected! The forum locked me out for 20 hours because I am a newbie and I exceeded the number of posts for a first time poster yesterday. What silliness - I have been doing other forums for years and never had that happen to me on any of my HifI gear restoration forums and others I participate in. Anyway, worked with X axis offset disabled but still shuts down as described earlier with the offset engaged which severely limits my workspace and makes the crosshairs pretty much useless except for small jobs. Guess I figured out why Ikier came out with a V2 head on the K1 Pro Max 48/24 Watter with the crosshairs emitter now placed inside the laser head instead of bolted on the side on my V1. Bad design on the V1 I gotta say!

I’m pretty sure that’s because there were lots of spammers for a time.

Just use the laser itself for framing. Turn on framing in Device settings, set to low power. I also recommend turning on the out of bounds warning.

That is what I am doing as an interim measure. What is frustrating as hell is the fact that the laser frames error free around the perimeter before I start the cut cycle. You would think that the framing act would put the laser out of bounds during the framing manoeuver in the first place (that is why you do it). But no, you get part way into the job after a successful frame and the laser stops on the error message - somwhere between Lightburn and the device there is a severe logic error! So basically I have a laser engraver with useless crosshairs!

I’m actually surprised that the frame doesn’t go out of bounds on the left side with the pointer on.

You’re right, the pointer is kind of useless. I’m not sure why they even include one when using the actual laser beam is dead accurate.

The only thing I guess is it is easy to see the spot it will be pointing to when the laser carriage is up front in the enclosure. You cannot see the laser spot through the viewing window when it is at the front edge… :thinking: