Estoy experimentando varios problemas con mi máquina láser SCULPFUN S30 PRO MAX (9035 x 905mm con kit de ampliación XY) y agradecería cualquier ayuda que puedan ofrecerme:
Impresión doble en una misma línea: Al realizar cualquier trabajo de grabado o corte, la máquina imprime dos veces en la misma línea, lo que resulta en un trabajo defectuoso. (He restablecido los valores introduciendo “$RST=*” en la ventana de la consola).
Error 5 en la Consola: En el apartado de “Consola” aparece el error 5, y no estoy seguro de cómo solucionarlo. He intentado reconfigurar los parámetros varias veces sin éxito.
Corte interrumpido en el eje Y: Durante el corte en el eje Y, la máquina no realiza un corte continuo. En lugar de eso, hace mini paradas, como si cortara a trozos.
He revisado el cableado y limpiado la máquina siguiendo varios tutoriales, pero los problemas persisten. Adjunto estos tres problemas ya que no sé si tienen alguna relación entre ellos. ¿Alguien ha tenido experiencias similares o sabe cómo resolver estos problemas?
¡Gracias de antemano por su ayuda!
I cannot help with everything (English only), but here is some information to get you started.
Error5 is likely because the $RST=* set parameter $22 back to zero. Enter $22=1 on the Console window. The reset also likely reset your travel limits back to the non-extended frame values.
In the image, you have the Home position indicated as the left rear corner. Sculpfun uses the front-left corner for the Home position switches.
During Framing, you can have the laser visible by having a small percent of power.
I tried to change the parameter $22=0 to $22=1 but I don’t see any parameters, nothing, so it doesn’t find it when I enter it in the console window. (apparently connection error).
Regarding the double cut of the contour, it still appears in problem, but less (my cut file is a DXF). Image attached.
What I have applied are the changes in the following commands (image attached).
On the other hand, I have observed that when I click the “go to origin” and “start” button, the machine does not respond… Therefore, when pressing the “frame” key, the laser is out of place and collides with the profiles of the structure.
The result visible in the pictures are caused by a mechanical issue. If you added the extension kit, you need to adjust the stepper current by turning the potentiometer on the mainboard by 45° (not 90° as the tutorial suggests). Then you need to adjust your x and y max travel, of course. After doing this, you need to carefully tune your mechanics again to get rid of those double lines.
As @misken indicated, you have multiple issues to deal with. Take them one at a time.
First is to make sure the Home function is acting properly. In the Console window, enter $$. Then copy-paste what appears in the Console window here. It should show $$ followed by a series of numbers that start with the $ symbol. You can scroll up and down to see this.
I have performed the 45° turn of the motherboard potentiometer. Next, I have tried a new cut and honestly something similar happens, one line is stepped on with another, but it is true that the cut comes out much cleaner and the double cut line does not appear.
Later I have indicated the maximum limits of x and y. I haven’t made a new cut yet to check.
As I have commented to the colleague, the startup error continues.
I attach screenshots of the parameters that appear when you type $$.
In case I have to modify any parameter, please tell me how I do so that these parameters appear again in the console window, since when I start the program and the machine is on, they do not appear, not even entering $$.
Error5 is caused because parameter $22 is not set. In the Console window, enter $22=1. Then enter $$ to confirm it has changed. This enables the Homing cycle.
In posting #14, you shoe Xmax and Ymax as 900… However, you may not have clicked OK to set them. Your $$ report shows $130=410 and $131=400. Your controller has not been set for the larger frame. Enter these two commands one at a time. $130=900 $131=900
I assume these are the correct values based on what you provided above.
The machine should now Home properly and you should be able to Jog into the extended area.
Once we get the parameter settings correct, we can then work on the mechanical adjustments of your machine.