Hi, I recently reinstalled a new motherboard and power supply to my laser. Since then I’ve noticed in certain levels of the y-axis that the intensity of the laser appears to be burning more intensely than at other levels. Any thoughts? I thought constant power would have been the issue but I don’t think that matters with what I’m seeing here.
@OrturTech Hi Gil, any thoughts here? The laser has been performing well otherwise since the motherboard replacement
Or anyone for that matter if you have suggestions? I’ve been looking through the archives but cannot seem to find a thread that is similar, might not be using the right key words
It sounds mechanical, if your description is correct. Doubt that the electronics would have an issue like that. Unfortunately the recent change of the controller make it a suspect.
Laser control is really a matter of speed. So I would assume somehow slowing in that area.?
Which way are you scanning.?
Always happen in the same area.?
Have you checked for something mechanically loose or binding.?
Thanks once again Jack for the help. Yes Ortur Tech (Gil) just advised the same thing. Going home on lunch to check these things. I’ll post findings in hopes of helping others if it is resolved.
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