Issues with speed setting

I’m new to the forum. I have an OMTech 80w laser the has a Rudia 644XG controller. I am having trouble with the controller seeing changes to the speed setting. I can set a speed, say 325, and run the laser and then change the speed to like 25 and it doesn’t seem to slow down. I know there is probably a setting somewhere to fix this but I can’t find it . Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you

It is possible that after entering the speed change you have forgotten to upload it to the controller. (if it is done from the machine panel)
happened to me yesterday :expressionless:

I have done some further testing and it seems that my problem may not be Lightburn at all. I tried to manually make the changes to my speed setting and the Ruida controller is not changing the speed. I am very unfamiliar with the controller itself. Anything I have done for the most part has been done in Lightburn? I’m not sure how to fix this? Are there any dangers in resetting the controller to original factor settings ( I’m really not sure how that would be different from what is there now)? Just unsure how to proceed. Again thank you for any help given.

Never do this!

It should do it. It is independent from Lightburn that you need to be able to change these parameters. Where and how are you trying to change the speeds?

Try to see if you can find information in this link that can help you.

If you reset to factory default then you “empty” all data that the machine manufacturer has set in specific to your machine.
The controller is made by a subcontractor and is basically empty.

It is very important that you save a copy of all your machine settings (from the controller) before you start peeling at them. There is a thread a little higher up in the forum that addresses the theme, one of our members has reset the controller and is now missing all data - specifically for its machine …

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