Trying to run some jobs with the 10W laser and lightburn, and it’s stopped working for me suddenly after updating. Before I start going to the bother of rolling back firmware versions, has anyone run into this? I’m wondering if there’s a new setting somewhere I need to tweak or something simple.
Lightburn can see my snapmaker, get coordinates, if I use the move commands or frame command within lightburn it works and is able to move the head around so I know it’s connecting to the machine. Pressing the start button for an actual job just gets “starting stream” and then nothing happens - no movement, no laser firing - until I cancel the job. I can run jobs inside Luban, so I know the laser is still working, too - I’d just much rather use lightburn.
I was able to get it to work by keeping 1.5.01, changing my configuration from Snapmaker (Marlin) to just Marlin, and then changing laser control commands to “inline” under the device settings menu.
The reason for this is the thumbnail line is too long to send over buffered. Using regular marlin doesn’t generate a thumbnail so it’s not a problem. If you want to use the Snapmaker profile in Lightburn, change the connection type from buffered to synchronous and it should work. (however I haven’t tested this yet)