K40 cohesion3d mini board problem with lightburn

hello ,the problem his i installed the cohesion 3d mini board in my k40 so i can use lightburn ,if i cut or engrave they come out smaller than they should be about half size, do i have to alter the steps per minute in the config file,if so how do i go about it and how do i access it any help would be gratful

More than likely you need to do a axis callibration
Many other users might be able to give you a quick and direct values however you might need to change

$100 and $101
Steps per mm
Also $130 and $131 max travle

You could check what you have by typing $$ in console and copy/paste all here

gilaraujo if i changed $100 and $101 what would i change them to, looking on the net keeps pointing to config file just need pointing in right direction

I would not be able to advise as i do not own the machine.
If it was a diode laser, with nema 17 motors it would be 80 80 on the steps per mm
However you might need to start with 100, then run the lightburn built in calibration to adjust

so it looks like trial and error then, ok thank you