K40 ramps 1.4 problemi di configurazione marlin

ciao a tutti, faccio riferimento al post Laser_power_inline

hello everyone, I refer to the post

avrei bisogno di aiuto nel configurare il mio k40 con la ramps 1.4 e arduino mega, ho provato il marlin che e stato compilato dal link Adventures in DIY Engineering: 40 Watt Chinese CO2 Laser Upgrade with RAMPS & Arudino

i would need help configuring my k40 with ramps 1.4 and arduino mega, i tried the marlin which was compiled from the link

ma il risultato e pessimo e non funziona con lightburn. potete darmi un marlin da poter caricare senza doverlo modificare? i cablaggi scheda sono quelli del sito postato sopra. fatemi sapere come fare grazie

but the result is bad and doesn’t work with lightburn. can you give me a marlin I can load without having to modify it? the wiring harnesses are those of the site posted above. let me know how to do it thanks

There’s a marlin copy here that turns on a lot of the features that work with Lightburn:

That said, the Lightburn guys aren’t going to be able to support the endeavor. You’ll have to change the board back to ramps from the trigorilla I was using and verify the pins.

Not trying to spam here, but there’s a write-up(of sorts) on how I did my K40 conversion here as well, it used the same link you linked:

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