First post, I work on lightburn while the laser is connected and takes a picture of what’s on the bed then I unplug the laser and camera, turn off the laser, work on the image. So the lightburn software has the image of the bed and then when I’m ready to run it I connect the usb back to my MacBook Pro 16” and then the camera image is still from there from the previous time I had the laser connected. So previous versions I able to change the camera to no camera and then back to the camera and get it to work. Now it just crashes, every single time. Please let me know what you need to help me resolve this issue as it’s really annoying and I keep having to go to a backup and hope I don’t lose any work.
When I say the camera image is their I mean in the camera console, like frozen.
I have a crash report, not sure where I can send this
You can post the crash report here.
I can help get this report into the hands (hearts and minds) of the developers
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Please attach a link to this forum page in your email if you send it there.
Sent an email and then sent a follow up email just now. Crash report is too large to fit in this message box.
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