Laser allignment

I am having an issue with the alignment of the laser engraving to the outline of the image or text I am engraving. When I show the frame of the image or text to be engraved it shows where that will be once engraved but when I run the laser it engraves the image or text slightly down and to the right of where it was originally framed prior to running the engraving. This never happened before, I just started noticing that it is occurring. Can anyone tell me how to fix this issue?

Check out my video, should help you.

Your profile suggests you’re using a fiber laser, which means many of the usual solutions for diode / CO₂ machines don’t apply.

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Pictures and screenshots will help us see what you’re seeing.

Ok, Im using a OMG 60W fiber laser and running the latest updated version of LightBurn software. Is that helpful?

I dont have a camera set up like that on this laser. Is there a different way to achieve calibration for an OMG 60w fiber laser engraver?

You will need to align the red framing pointer to the workspace, so that the engraving will be exactly where the red light is showing.

Here is a video detailing the procedure.