Laser only cutting one object instead of all objects on the layer

Continuing the discussion from Lightburn DXF file cutout problems:

In the event, the problem of the Laser going through the cutting routine in its entirety but only firing the laser to cut the very first object and then powering down the laser while the unit traces out the rest of the objects has been solved?
I’m a new laser user and can’t seem to figure this one out so I’m going to have to defer to the wisdom of those who seem to live, breathe, and probably bleed Laser Technology. I have an "Iwecolor 10 watt Engraver/Cutter That is been controlled by an virtually brand new ASUS, Laptop running Windows 11 Pro and “ExplorerPatcher in the background to keep it from resembling some space alien’s recipe for human stew. In any case, I mentioned I’m new to these lasers but since I retired an Electrical Engineer specializing in Industrial Automation I would like to consider myself something other than defenseless. So, can you help me with this problem cause I have a Hydrogen Generator for my gas guzzling 10 cylinder MotorHome that still needs the parts cut out of a very large stack of 1/4” ABS sheeting! Also, thank you in advance for any help you may forward my way!!!

Have you upgraded your power supply?
Tell us more about your setup, and what you’re trying to do
Also post your .lbrn2 file.

A diode laser will have considerable difficulty cutting that thickness of ABS, particularly the usual light colors that reflect visible light.

ABS does not cut well in any laser, due to its relatively low melting point producing distortion around the cut. The vapors include hydrogen cyanide gas, so you’ll need very good ventilation.

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