Laser suddenly off on certain lines

Fox Alien 4040XE w/ 40 watt laser

I need some help. My laser has been on point for months but now all of a sudden it’s not staying on track with lines. Basically anything I have on Fill mode is overlapping and starting to look jagged instead of smooth like before. I’ve attached a photo example.

Almost certainly, something has worked loose and you’re seeing backlash on the X axis.

Run this test pattern at a speed fast enough to mark scrap cardboard:


Any distortion in the results on the cardboard indicates a mechanical problem.

This guide for Sculpfun lasers goes over many of the places where mechanical problems hide:

Your laser will be different, but you’ll recognize the components and having a checklist helps find the problems.

I just finished the test run and it definitely has something mechanical going on. There are a lot of small distortions. I’m going to look through that guide to see if I can figure out exactly what is wrong.

The X axis has something loose, so work your way from the motor shaft to the laser head.

You must loosen all the setscrews and retighten them while slightly rotating the shafts, because the screws can jam tight despite being loose.

Good hunting!

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