Laser uneven image

Ok can anyone help me with this? Ortur lm 2

Usually, a mechanical issue. Check your mechanics: Guide to mechanical adjustments and maintenance

When you post a question, make it clear what you’re asking. It’s helpful to show a photo and explain what you wanted and what didn’t come out as expected…

I have no idea what the problem is or what I’m looking at in the photo…


What’s the problem? I guess you’re eyes are better than mine…


I suspected the outcome should have been a rectangular shape, and it looks squeezed on the right. But it can be intended as well… nobody knows… :slight_smile:

This looks like the result of a mechanical issue. This article from our troubleshooting documentation might be able to help you.

Billie, those are some epic example pictures in that troubleshooting guide. I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of time it took to make them all so perfectly flawed!

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Normally this is based as you said on a) loose shaft so one side of the Y is decoupled
b) frame is simply off square.

Thank you!!! I got on a roll with it and I just couldn’t stop, and Tyler tidied up all my errors, and then Jackie put it all together on the back end! A real team effort.

If you have any suggestions for it let me know!! :smiley:

It’s part of a larger troubleshooting section we’ve been giving some love to in the docs.

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