Please help!! Every time I try to use the program I get an error that the last is busy or paused I’m lost and need help
What is the message in the console window?
i finally got it to hook up but now it will not fire in Lightburn only in grbl
Not familiar with marlin firmware. Can you go to console window and type in $$ and paste results?
i did just notice after digging that in machine settings there is nothing there property and value list is empty
It didn’t output any $ settings?
In device settings what does it show for s-value?
Did Lightburn find your device?
Your info says marlin firmware. Is that what it’s set to?
no the instructions i have with the laser said to create manually> scroll to marlin> serial/usb>name it marlin and select port but i never got anything saying serial/usb
yes it is set to it
So I’m not sure if you are connected.
Do you have any com port showing in laser window?
I can move the laser and use frame but when i go to cut there is no fire at all also in the preview it shows me going out of bounds when i try to do a material test and i hit the rails
Did you click on the dropdown in machine settings?
could my driver be wrong? i have no clue what i am doing just googling the crap out of it lol
Can you get a screenshot of console window?
I’ll see if I can pull someone in like @berainlb who is much more savvy with this.