LB 1.7 SwapFix MacOs M1 problema Mr.Carve M1

I am testing the Lightburn 1.7 software with Windows with great satisfaction. But I still use MacOS M1 Sonoma 14.5. Everything works pretty well, the “Mr.Carve M1 Pro” machine is NOT automatically detected but if you do the procedure manually it works perfectly. I gave the configuration files from seacad “ezcad superchinese” and it took them perfectly, but there is a problem. when you have to project the frame and: either you change the type of frame or you close to go back to planning, everything stops in a non-systematic way. the only way to get it to resume is to turn off the laser, or disconnect the USB but at that point LightBurn crashes. It’s really a shame because everything else seems to work fine

up it’s important for me

Are you using the latest beta 1.7 version? (it was last updated April 30th).

If there is a “LightBurn_Crash_Log.txt” file on your desktop, please send it to and include a link to this forum post. If you cannot find the crash log, please turn on the debug mode (Help>Enable Debug Log) and go through the steps that cause the crash, then close LightBurn and look in your Documents folder for LightBurnLog.txt, and send it in to support.

Yes, I am using the beta 1.7, the file named “Swap fix.” Today, after about an hour of work, the same exact problem happened on Windows just twice. So, the projection starts correctly, but when I close it, it suddenly gets stuck in a corner—almost always in the bottom left. Now that I think about it, it’s as if it gives the command to return to home, but this is a fiber laser and the pilot beam is always centered. Could it be an error that sends the command to go to the bottom left? As soon as I can, I’ll send the log. I only have 11 days left of the free license.

Can you post your trial ID here so I can reset it? I think I have a fix for this that I’ll be posting up in about 10 minutes or so, and I’d like you to try it and verify that it’s working for you.

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Okay, I’ll send you a private message with my code. Where can I download the version with the likely resolution of the problem? My first child was just born and I have a lot of things to do, which is why I didn’t respond right away.

I’ve reset your trial. You can download the update from the Google Drive link in the first post on this thread:

I tried the updated program for a few hours; the problem seems almost completely resolved, except that on a couple of occasions, the program froze but didn’t crash. Twice everything froze when I placed text along a circle and changed the font. I had to do a ‘force quit.’ Otherwise, I think we are on the right track.
Besides this, I made a curved engraving and noticed that it lost the lens correction setting. Is this possible? I need to investigate this issue; I almost ruined a watch back worth €500. The projection was correct, but the engraving was completely off.

If you have specific details for that “changed the font” issue I’d be curious.

Regarding the other, what do you mean by “lost the lens correction setting”? Like, it just suddenly ignored scale/bulge/etc? We’re using a library provided by BSL, so I have very limited ability to debug or diagnose within it. We’re planning to replace it with our own code at some point, but that’s going to take a while.

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