LIGHTBURN 1.5 Release

When will 1.5 release be available?

I have been reading first quarter 2024. I am anxious too!

I look forward to all new releases.

May I ask what you are looking forward to the most?

A solid indicator is not long after release to the Public Beta. :slight_smile:


Zaxis control so I can use LB on my CNC mill.

Quit teasing us! when???

Got to know what’s in it first.
This is all I know for sure. Like the guides and radius. Don’t use rotary.

Soon-ish™, we are getting much closer to releasing a 1.5 beta for public review. This is different from MillMage, our CNC stuff. No additional information about the timing of those releases that I can share at this point. Things are looking good, but as you know, it is software, and things come up. :slight_smile:


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He can’t, but I can!
We just dropped the v1.5 public beta, so we are REAL close!
You can find the link to the installers on this page: Public Beta Releases – LightBurn Software

As of my writing this we haven’t updated the release notes on that page, hopefully later today, but it does link to the v1.5 downloads :slight_smile:


That snap to tangent is a feature I used a LOT in Bridgeport’s EZcam software. Looking forward to MillMage too.

@MikeyH, I sent you a private message. Please review if you haven’t already. :slight_smile:

Yay! Now I can stop answering that in the video comments and just point people to this post :smiley:

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I just read the changes coming!

Got about half way through and passed out on the floor…
Came to, looked at the computer screen, read some more… passed out again…

Overcome from excitement!!


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@MikeyH Me too on the MillMage. I’m actually looking for space to drag my xcarve back out from it’s hiding place and get to work hopefully with a much easier CAM process.

I’m also waiting (im)patiently for MillMage :wink:

Though the 1.5 beta is great to make the wait time feel shorter :wink: Continous Framing! Yeah! Console Command History! Even better! :slight_smile:

I just installed the Beta 15. Does it facilitate Z axis settings based on material thickness for the Monport Onyx? I saw a video on how to edit the device settings to enable Z axis that permits users to enter material thickness in the layer/cut window. Thanks.

It may. Try toggling “OMTech Polar” under the Z-axis settings section in Edit->Device Settings.

Looks like I have some catching u to do!

Is there a way to keep guidelines within work area?