I need help I can’t for the life of me get lightburn installed on my older Intel Mac i5 with Chrome Flex OS installed. I’ve tried many times to install lightburn in terminal but no luck. can someone please help? I’ve followed the instructions I believe correctly from lightburn site. But if someone can give me the exact step by step on what I need to.
We do not support Chrome OS. Yes it’s technically Linux but it is missing a lot under the hood so it’s unlikely that LightBurn will ever be able to run on it.
I understand stand chrome os is not supported but it does have the option to run Linux VM so that is where I’m trying to install lightburn. All I see the lightburn icon but when I click on it to open it grays out and I see a white spinning arrow on the icon. That’s it.
Can you open a terminal window and execute the LightBurn command on the command line? You’ll have a chance to see some warnings and errors that way.
You’ll also want to share which VM mechanisms you used to get a Linux runtime environment on your Chrome OS system since as Adam stated, there are lots of system libraries needed to run LightBurn. One way which might help limit the need for lots of OS libraries installed is to try running the appimage version.
Great so then you can post what its output is on the console to help point to what your problem really is. There is literally nothing which can be remedied from an I can’t install it. And I would not even attempt to install LightBurn on a non-supported platform with the ‘run’ command version. 7zip or appimage are the way to go.
$ cd
$ 7z x LightBurn-Linux64-v1.7.01.7z
$ cd LightBurn
$ ./LightBurn
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ chmod +x LightBurn-Linux64-v1.7.01.appimage
$ ./LightBurn-Linux64-v1.7.01.appimage
I’m not familiar with your exact hardware/OS description but I have run Lightburn on Intel Chromebooks for years. In your Chromebook’s “Advanced Settings”, you have to enable “Developer Mode” to enable the Linux developer environment, the “real” Linux underneath. For me, that’s always some flavor of Debian Linux.
I’ve got a thread that addresses the last time I installed Lightburn on a Chromebook and the library issues that popped up… that was on Debian10 (Buster) and Debian11 (Bullseye). I’m running an Acer Intel I5 Chromebook with Debian12 (Bookworm) now but really can’t recall having any issues at all with LB installation. Check out this post and see if any of it looks familiar to you… but first enable developer mode (if you haven’t already) and download the latest Lightburn .run file (remember to move it to your home directory first). Then follow the command line prompts to verify the installation and run Lightburn… and expose any issues.