Lightburn issues with Xtool S1

Hi all,

I’ve setup my S1 in Lightburn using the configure file from Xtool. Evertything seems fine and is working as it should except for one issue. I’m getting a weird burn pattern at the top of the images I’m trying to fill. See the photo below.

It’s odd. When the file gets to the last few passes it slows down a lot causing the top few lines to overburn. In the photo I’m running the circle fill at 300mm/s at 100% power, .1 line interval.

My laptop is not a powerhouse by any means but here are the specs.
-Windows 10
-Intel(R) Core™ i5-4300U CPU @ 1.90GHz 2.49 GHz 64bit
-8gb ram
-latest version of LB

What do you think could be causing this? It happens on every file no matter what it is. When I run the machine in Xtool Creative Space everything is fine though. What’s really wierd is material test files on LB work fine. Thoughts?

Did the burn scan from the bottom up or from the top down in that photo?

Can you post the .lbrn file that was used to create the sample?

The burn started from the bottom up. Here is my file.

s1 test file.lbrn2 (10.4 KB)

I don’t see anything in the design that would necessarily cause that.

Do you see this with all shapes?

A few different tests to try:

  1. Try changing scan angle. Does the location of the overburned area change? I’d suggest trying at least 90 and 180 degrees.
  2. What happens if you do a circle in Line mode?
  3. Try burning a filled rectangle. What’s the result?

Also, can you see something physically happening at the burn when this occurs? Does the laser slow down or do you see redundant movement at that spot? Try not staring at the intense light when you do this. In fact, probably preferable to record and observe.

Thank you.

Line mode circles work fine. The laser slows down at least 50% during the last 4 or 5 lines of the engraving.

Interesting. Can you do this.

With the design loaded and ready to burn push File->Save Gcode, save the file with .txt extension and then upload the file here.

Of course, see below…

s1 test file g code.gcode (18.1 KB)

A couple of things I didn’t notice the first time reviewing the .lbrn file…

You have “Constant Power Mode” enabled in the Cut setting. Can you try disabling that to see how it affects the burn?

If that makes no difference, reduce your speed to 100 mm/s and adjust power accordingly. Does that change anything?

If that doesn’t work, try the scan angle test at 90 and 180 degrees. What happens in those tests? Photos would be helpful.

I have run jobs with and without constant power mode enabled and the result is the same. I’ve also reduced speed and power to the 100mm/s range with no positive results. The laser head slows down during the last few lines resulting in over burning.
I’ve also tried upping the over scanning with no positive result.

Frankly in desperation I’m pretty sure I enabled/disabled pretty much every button in the device and fill settings menu one at a time and running tests.

I will try the scan angle test you described ASAP and will report the results. I’ll take new pictures and a video.

Thank you for your help so far.

If that doesn’t work, try changing line interval to .1 mm as it is in the material test. Try to eliminate any possible variable from the tests.

I was able to sneak in the shop before work and try a few things.

-reset line interval to .1mm with no effect

  • the slow down and over burn goes away with scan angle set to 90 degrees

-problem remains with scan angle if 180 degrees

Attached is a video clip which shows the issue I’m running into so you can see more clearly.

To me that looks like a misplaced attempt at dynamic burn mitigation.

Are you saying you also get this effect with a rectangle? I wouldn’t expect so if my hypothesis is correct.

I highly suspect this is a firmware bug of some kind.

Have you reached out to xTool for their take on this? Seems like an easily reproduced problem.

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The issue does not happen with a rectangle. Rectangles burn fine as they did in my material test cards I created with LB.

I haven’t reached out to Xtool yet as I thought they would just tell me to use XCS. But I let them know of the issue now so at least they are aware of it.

Xtool’s response was to contact Lightburn for support…Anyone successfully using the S1 with lightburn? I guess I’ll have to stick with XCS until some updates are made.

this seems to be a problem with the X axis planner/Accelerations, specially if it stops happening when you shift the biggest motion to the Y Axis

If you $$ in console can you post here the output?

I would imagine too if you shrink the size to half, the “pattern” will apear much sooner in the circle, conversly nearly dialear if you double the size of the circle?

You’ll likely be waiting forever if that’s the model. The g-code in no way states to “slow down at the end of the burn”.

xTool own the firmware. LightBurn is responsible for g-code generation. How the g-code is interpreted and actualized is on xTool.

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