I’ve got 15 days left on my lightburn trial and today out of nowhere the software has started to crash to desktop when I try to open many of my saved lightburn files.
One or two will open, but after saving changes and trying to reopen them later they exhibit the same problems.
I don’t know what to do. I don’t really want to go back to RDWorks and had been planning to buy Lightburn once my trial was up … I can’t have the software prevent me from opening my files though as it effectively puts my laser out of commission until the issue is resolved which affects my income.
The system dialog bypass is for when the “open” or “save” functions crash before you ever get to use them - plugins for your system that show thumbnails for different file types crash the file window:
It sounds like you’re having a different problem, and one I’ve never heard of. Try restarting your system. Where are the files stored? Local drive, or network somewhere? Anything change on your system recently that coincides with the crashing?
I’ve figured out what’s happening and have a fix - If you email or PM me your trial ID I can extend it for you, and can get you a version that will load your files properly later today.