New Lightburn sales on AMAZON state that it will export G Code.
Does the latest release 14.## have this functionality?
Where can I see videos.
I am buying a Shapeoko Pro due in part that I can use Lightburn which I purchased for my Laser. FYI I called Carbide 3D (Shapeoko and they know nothing about this.
Strange - This could easily increase your sales!
You can export gcode by pressing “save gcode” button. If you have the gcode version of LightBurn, of course. I guess that function has been there for many years, maybe from the beginning. I can tell that it has been there for more than 3 years
You can equip any machine with a mainboard that is compatible with LightBurn.
Resellers are asked to not sell below the price listed on our website - so at best, you would pay par - though some resellers offer payment providers we do not.
Redistribution of the LightBurn binary (the installer file) is not allowed, and we do request the removal of these files when vendors include them with their devices. This generally ends up with an old version of LightBurn being distributed then the new user having to update to the latest version right off the hop - not the ideal user experience! Instead, we suggest the vendors include a shortcut link to our website so the newest (and OS-dependent) version can be downloaded directly.