Lightburn on Galvo fiber laser - picture engraving on stainless steel

Hi everyone,

I have just bought a Galvo fiber laser, and using lightburn. I am trying to engrave pictures on stainless steel but the quality is too bad. Can you please help me out to set parameters for the best quality

This is tough, but lots of people have done well…

The pair of videos from Laser Everything is a good place to start. I refer people to it an understanding of interval, but it’s on photo engraving and well worth a watch.

This guys stuff always make me green :crazy_face:

It’s always more helpful for us if you fill out your profile with the type/power machine you have. We can make better suggestions with more information.

For these kinds of questions, you should include speed/power/interval/dither and lens, such as F number…

Have fun


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