Hey there thank you for responding,
I’m not familiar with the intricacies of the device but it would need to be running a compatible firmware for LightBurn to control it. GRBL Is a supported firmware. I suspect the alternative is proprietary and likely not supported.
Ok, the device itself ships with a usb drive that has both the proprietary firmware and a compatible gbrl firmware. The creator of lightburn and the creators of the Wainlux had some ‘issues’ over piracy and there was talk of ‘removing support’ for the wainlux engravers, which leads me to believe that lightburn should work, but if the creator of lightburn has hobbled the software it would be up to them to help the honest backers out. I hope that they see this and chime in.
What is the purpose of the dual roller?
The roller is for printing on cylindrical objects, the wainlux has the ability to etch curved surfaces due to an autofocusing z axis, the roller plugs into the etcher and should take over the x axis movement,
Are you referring to the Console within LightBurn or this is something else?
The console / terminal within Lightburn itself - sorry I should have been a bit clearer on that
When specifically does this occur? Can you paste the entire context of the error?
The error occurs when using the rotary / roller setup window when testing the roller
the errors are
on the A axis:
Waiting for connection…
Target buffer size found
Starting stream
Unsupported or invalid g-code command found in block.
On or near line 2:
Stream completed in 0:00
Unsupported or invalid g-code command found in block.
Unsupported or invalid g-code command found in block.
and on the Z/X axis - (same error)
Starting stream
G-code motion target exceeds machine travel. Machine position safely retained. Alarm may be unlocked. (Right-click the ‘Devices’ button to reset the connection)
On or near line 4:
Stream completed in 0:00
[MSG:Reset to continue]
Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]
[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]
[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]
LightBurn itself doesn’t control hardware. It makes requests to the controller which manages all hardware. If there’s an issue it’s likely to do with GRBL configuration or hardware settings.
This was also my line of thought, but considering the comments made by the Lightburn creator in the comments section of the Wainlux Kickstarter I am hoping there is an easier way to get this sorted with a bespoke Wainlux compatible setup in lightburn.
if @LightBurn could help me get this thing working properly I know of at least 20 people that would be forever grateful and if they haven’t bought the software they would in a heartbeat, I am only in the trail to try and see if i can get this thing working and if i have success I’ll buy it, I have no need for it otherwise. That being said, if there is anything I can do to help get it working I’m at your disposal, I don’t know much about these things but I have worked on many 3d printers and gcode based machines, I’m quite technologically adept.