LightBurn - Raspberry Pi Trick for a Wireless Laser Cutter

Hi everyone! I’ve been trying to figure this out for awhile and got a pretty neat workout to get my cutter to be wireless using a raspberry pi. I thought I’d share it with everyone :slight_smile:

Things you need:
A computer on a LAN (Wifi, or wired is ok!)
That computer must be capable of running Lightburn
A Raspberry Pi on the same lan (Wifi or wired is ok!)

So first do a clean install of debian on your raspberry pi, run this in your terminal :

curl | sudo sh

Plug your laser cutter into the raspberry pi, and reboot the pi.
If you want it to be headless, you’re able to be headless from this point.
You only need power, and the cutter plugged in.

After that go to your PC and go to this website:

and Download the appropriate client for your operating system.

Open that badboy up and find your laser connected to your raspberry pi and connect it.

In LightBurn you can add it in just like you would any other USB, but now it’s running through you Pi!

I have my Raspberry Pi / Cutter out on my patio now! It’s awesome!

If you have more than one laser, you’ll need to pay for the software, but the trial version works for 1 “Wireless USB” connection.


And then there is this for Ruida:


Interesting, I’ve got a nice Pi laying around doing nothing, maybe I’ll get time to mess with this soon.

I have had, for almost a year, a Vonets bridge that does the same. ~$25: VAP11G-300 WiFi Bridge Wireless Repeater WiFi to Ethernet Portable WiFi Hotspot Extender Signal Booster Mini Industrial 2.4G 300Mbps RJ45 (10/100Mbps) DC/USB Power for DVR Network


Doubtful - The LightBurn Bridge runs custom firmware that understands and translates the Ruida protocol, allowing communication from the PC to the Bridge to use TCP, and then from the Bridge to the laser is UDP, meaning much better reliability, and you don’t have to disconnect from your own WIFI network to use it.

It’s also going to have camera support soon (ish) - You’ll be able to plug a USB camera into the Bridge, and it will appear to LightBurn as just another connected camera.


I have the hardware, are the binaries available?

Be nice to have a camera interface. :slight_smile:


I have pretty much the same configuration. It chokes now and then when I ‘send’ it, but overall $17 has been cheap compared to what I’ve spent elsewhere. It also relieved me of USB issues.

Hopefully the Pi solution will be workable. I’ve printed a camera holder, but haven’t purchased one yet because of inability to get a usb connection out there. It would be nice to have a working camera, remotely. :slight_smile:


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Tried it but couldn’t get past step 1. So first do a clean install of debian.
Installed Tested images Bullseye 11 for a pi4 attempted your curl code and it threw back -bash sudo:command not found
Not accustomed to Debian so any help would be lovely :slight_smile:

Try this pair of commands from the root account.

apt-get update
apt-get install sudo

The update, reads from the local repository, current available packages, will probably need an internet connection.

Been a while for the pi…


I just switched to raspian lite sense I know the ins and outs of that and I believe its supported. installed without a issue. Now to see how the client and server behave. Don’t have close access to my laser and desktop and my laser came in yesterday so been trying to find a solution then saw this thread and was like well dang!

Up and running :slight_smile: Thanks again!

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Assume loading the ‘sudo’ package did the trick?

Take care, have fun… :slight_smile:


Will defenitly give it a go. Thanks for sharing. But first i need the issues with Neje sorted out. No respons on Warranty, in contact from 8 jan 2021, all i get is sorry several times and issues with the pandemic and questions to make a video, but no response or again sorry and pandemic. And then tey said no help because not bought in ther ‘official’ store, but they do not even send to my country. I’m defenitly kept on a leash . So next board is not from Neje…

Yeah I figured it isn’t a great solution if you don’t already have a pi, but if I know tinkerers… we have a drawer full of them.

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Your PC should think it’s a USB device, it’s a pretty awesome little trick. I’m using the cutter on my patio and my PC tells me when it’s done!

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OH MAN I forgot I have a camera module! I used to have it mounted on my 3D printer… I NEED TO DO THIS

Here’s the github for the project: GitHub - virtualhere/script

Oh yeah I’m sure there’s some pretty cool solutions, I just have like 5 raspberry pis that I’ve been trying to put to use. Every time I go to microcenter I buy another zero w…

Pretty cool! It’s been a great number of years since I did any USB over IP work and a quick google search showed that Linux now has usbip already in repositories. I found this video on setting it up.

I’ve got some cork coasters to make for a friend today so I’ll give this a shot and see how it goes. I should be able to setup the small Ortur LM1 and an rPi on a small TV tray instead of the larger folding table I’ve used to hold the laser engraver and laptop(Linux on Macbook Air).

This HowTo also talks about another option called FlexiHub and compares with usbip after each installation process is detailed. Great to see many options out there now.

I have usbip working. I had one glitch when I connected on one router in the house and went to the back yard and there was not a seamless handover so Lightburn and my ssh she’ll froze until I connected to the nearest router. Not a big deal.

I will be running a dozen coasters with the laptop just inside the back door. Very compact setup now. I was able to complete a few hours of engraving over 2 days without problems.

Looking forward to the camera support. That would make everything so much more seamless. Has anyone tried the bridge to run the laser and VirtualHere for the camera?