Lightburn Version 1.5.02

Recently I bought the sculpfun S30 ultra 22W together with the Lightburn software.

Today, as soon as I inserted my licence key, I was informed to updated to the latest 1.5.02 version which I did.

However, on opening, all settings including the device were lost.

From already available forums on this type of problem, it appears that this is a common occurrence and the solution is to upload/copy an older version of the preferences from the backup folder onto the current prefs.ini. However, every time I tried this, nothing happens. I tried various previous backups but all in vain.

Any suggestions?

Could you provide a few data sets of your envorioment

a) what Operating system?
b) what controller/laser machine you have
c) do you happen to have any antivirus software other than microsoft defender? if so which?
d) all settings, including the ones in Edit → settings got reverted to defaults?

The OS is till Windows 7 but this was operating until yesterday prior update with latest version of Lightburn.

Laser machine is a diode laser Sculpfun S30 ultra 22W.

Yes I have an antivirus (ESET).

All settings appear to be in defaults just as when one installs Lightburn for the first time but worse because it does not even ask me what device I want to use.

yes i understand. is more to collect the variables on what could have triggered the reset of settings to update. Something - which i dont know what - on your machine made the installed clear/corrupt the settings file. So just collecting the variables maybe lightburn team could see a pattern.


‘“insert” license key’, as in a USB device containing software use authorization? I’m quite familiar with the concept in professional software packages but I wasn’t aware LB sold a hardware key.

pretty sure he meant - activate license in the “trial coutdown” screen at startup

Maybe my wording was not correct. When Lightburn is lauched (as a trial version) is asks for the licence key. This is what I did.

Ah. OK. My mistake.

I was concerned about pirate software with potential malware.

yeah! seen that before too!

What I found strange is how I could not load back an older backup. Do, you think I ought to uninstall everything and re-install lighburn from scratch? Not ideal, but if backups are not working, I cannot see another solution. Hopefully I am wrong.

you can clear lightburn without reinstalling
I would however suggest you give the team a few just to see if they want to ask anything from your envorioment before clearing


agreed. I am in no particular hurry

Thank you for reporting this. We’ve been hunting this for quite a while.

Is your Windows 7 computer 32 bit or 64 bit?

LightBurn stashes the last 50 versions of the prefs files. I think Windows messes with us a little bit.

We’d love to find a good example of this so we can eliminate the unwanted behavior (misplaced settings) going forward. I’m hoping you’ve captured it.

Fire up LightBurn with the lost settings

Click File, click Export Prefs, and save that file somewhere convenient (Idealy C-drive and not in a shared folder like OneDrive or DropBox.

Please drag and drop that file into a reply here.

Open Notepad.
In Lightburn, click Help, click Generate Support Data.

Hop back over to Notepad and use right-click and Paste (or Ctrl + v) to paste the blob of data into the text file.

Save that file, then drag that into a reply here.

Now, those steps were just me hoping to figure that out for next time.

To get your settings back now, click File, click Load Prefs Backup.
You should see a list of files. Select one with dated about a week ago. If the list is blank, open a Folder in windows Explorer, get into the C: directory. Once you’re there type “lbprefs” in the search bar (without the quotes) and windows will scour the drive to find surviving copies of the settings file.

You should see at least 6 of them in the same directory. Jot down the name of that directory.

In LightBurn you should be able to import the file.

Let me know if you get stuck, if you see an Error message or anything else that might be in your way.

take a screenshot if anything seems counterintuitive and let us know about that too.

Thank you. It’s user feedback that helps us catch these things.


I try to answer your queries here.

Win 7 64 bit
Prefs files still there
File “preferences (exported)” attached
File “support data” attached
As I said, all previous files are still there. I tried loading one (old prefs) from a week ago but the same problem occurs.
I did not have any error messages

Furthermore, this morning, when I started Lighburn, I was given the option to install a device (like starting afresh). See screenshot below:

After this process, all goes relatively back to normal (from a software perspective), ie the program at least works. It seems to have kept some of my preferences (such as location of screen menus) but I notice that I still need to recalibrate the camera which I had done a couple of days ago prior everything messed up yesterday.

Then I decided to load my preferences from “Prefs backup” of a couple of days ago to see what happens. Before doing so, I kept a copy of the new prefs.ini. I was getting the sameproblems as before where my device is unknown again and I cannot do anything. In other words, if I select File new, nothing happens. This is the screen I was getting once an older backup is loaded. Whatever file is restored , the same problem occurs. See below
there is no machine settings listed under the Tab Edit.

If I click Device settings I get:

Since I was back to the same initial problem, I re-copied the prefs.ini I saved this morning once I added my device (the prefs.ini) in its location and all at least goes back to normal as seen hereunder. I am now not going to try upload and previous backups.

As can be seen, I get back the grid as well as my “machine settings” etc.


Don’t know what happened but I now suspect that this could be a one off. My suspicion now is that my laptop lost its battery power at night whilst the Lighburn software was still on (ie not closed) and this might have disrupted something.

I hope that at least I could give you as much information as I could.

Thanks and best regards

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Forgot to attach the files before

support data.txt (6.5 KB)
preferences (exported).lbprefs (32.8 KB)

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awesome detailed reproduce feedback RedDev!
That will help :slight_smile:
:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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