Lightburn won't load to Windows 10

Working fine yesterday but today when I click on the lightburn icon it doesn’t load at all. no response. Other programs load ok, it’s just lightburn. I have reinstalled the latest version of lightburn but no different. I did not uninstall first as I’m thinking doing that might lose all my laser machine settings.

I have run Malwarebytes but no issues there. I have also used CCleaner to remove cache etc.

Any suggestions?

Read and try. Seems to have been an issue with recent Windows Update.

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So I am new so I apologize in advance. The provided fix says he is still at a standstill so I interpret this as they did not get a fix yet.
Please advise.
PS Windows says they are no longer providing service assistance for Windows 10. If this problem continues, I will not be able to use you all’s program that is advertised to work with Windows 10. Sorry this whole journey to learn laser engravers has been annoying and frustrating, and I bought the beginner one.

Did you try reloading the Visual C++ Redistributables as directed? If you read the entire thread you will see that this DID solve his problem. This has solved the issue for many over the last few days.

I don’t work for Lightburn, just here trying to help others as much as I can.

I actually see this as a good thing. It seems that Windows updates cause more problems then they solve.

Often times when you purchase something “Beginner” the frustrations are increased because they don’t always work as advertised. I too purchased a very inexpensive laser ($200) to start with and it didn’t take long before I ugraded to a C02. I still have and use that Diode laser, but for most projects I prefer the C02.

Stick with it. Watch a lot of YouTube videos and come back here to get your questions answered.


UPDATE: I reloaded Visual C++ Redistributables as suggested and the issue is resolved. Thanks for that.

As for comments from some about continuing to use Win 10 I regret that at the moment that’s all I have as I’m not proposing to update to Win 11 anytime soon. Not even sure if my i7 PC will happily update. After all, I was quite happy with my Win 95 until recently lol.


Thank you for reporting that it worked.

I’m running Windows 10 on the laptop that runs my diode laser. It is not eligible to update to 11 and I’m fine with that. If/when it dies I will replace it. Until then, as long as it keeps working… The laser is the only thing I do with that laptop other that getting on the web.

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Not just Windows 10. I had the same problem this morning on a Windows 11 Pro system. Once I found the Visual C++ update and loaded it, the problem went away , but it was pretty frustrating until then.

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You are totally correct. MS loves updating your computer until it no longer works. I wish I knew enough about LINUX, but I don’t so there. hehehe Thanks for your help, I did do the C+ but it has not fixed it. Technology hates me… :innocent:

Did you reload Lightburn after the C++ update?

Do you mean reinstall lightburn? If so, no I didn’t reinstall. After the c++ update it ran as usual.

Thank you for that clarification.

I was actually questioning Alan and just now realized he commented on your thread. I didn’t notice that there are mutliple personalities in this thread. It gets confusing when multiple people comment.

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I suspected that but I thought I’d clarify my experience anyway. You’re right about it being confusing. I’m generally confused so I had a head start lol.

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Try these steps please

I cannot say this is your issue. I was having the same type of issue. I did everything I could think of trying and finally replaced the USB cord from the machine to my computer. Problem solved.