Ligntburn on Win 11 to WeCreat 20W via USB

Has anybody been able to get Lightburn running on Win11 24H2 to work with WeCreat 20W Vision over USB.

The Win11 system seems to work correctly with the WeCreat Makeit! software. Win 11 system specs:

Device name Little-Box
Processor Intel(R) N97 2.00 GHz
Installed RAM 12.0 GB (11.7 GB usable)
Device ID EA120962-B2EE-408E-A4AD-D049D2BDE635
Product ID 00355-61574-66618-AAOEM
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 24H2
Installed on ‎12/‎4/‎2024
OS build 26100.2454
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.36.0

Manufacturer GMKtec

Lightburn connects OK, the camera works, focus works, manual motion works, and framing works both square & circle but when you submit a job the LB software seems to hang. This happens even with . Screen shots below.

Did you create your device by importing a .lbdev device definitions file?
Check if this tread helps:

Yes and I think I’ve narrowed this down to the USB port in use.

Please tell me if you’re using a USB3 port (blue plug)? If so, can you switch to a USB2 port? I had to go back to an 8 year old laptop with only USB2 ports and it works flawless on there. My newer machines ONLY have USB3 and I get nothing but connection drops in both LB and MakeIt

Let me know please as I’m trying to collect info to beat WeCreat over the head with this issue. I already called them out on it pretty harsh in my recent review.

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In that case maybe if you insert a USB2.0 hub or a USB2.0 cable between the two…like some Macs. Worth a try.

Yes, the little box has three USB A ports, all USB3. I will try the Hub idea on the morrow if my hubs have any 2 ports.


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Oh, it’s not just USB3. I have tried a Win 10 laptop using a USB 3 port that works flawlessly with both Makeit and Lightburn.


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Export the prefs file from the working laptop then Import into the new one.

I’ve tried a hub and didn’t have any better luck. Looking forward to your results.

The laptop I have that works fine is on Windows 11. It’s definitely not LightBurn issue though but I’d love to try to troubleshoot this with you.

I use Lightburn with my Vista. I don’t have the Focus Z button either. I have not figured out a way to autofocus with Lightburn. I just use the measurements I got from using MakeIt or use a digital caliper (like I did with my slate coasters). I would be really interested in learning how to be able to focus like we can in MakeIt.

Please read the tread that I make reference in post #2 and import the WeCreat_Custom GCode.lbdev.
Follow this doc to import the Custom device.

Sometimes there is a delay in answering because I open new topics in tabs and process one after the other or when work calls but I´m here if you need more help.

So if I create the Custom G-Code in devices, it won’t mess up anything I have under my WeCreat device? I don’t want to mess up anything that I have worked so hard to get set up (alignments, etc.). I would don’t have a Custom G-Code tab in my settings so I am guessing it is the only way I can get that into my Lightburn. Thank you so much for responding!

Only import the Custom device and try. Keep the device you have as a backup and maybe to copy macro commands to the Custom device
You can have more than one device in LightBurn.

Thank you. I will try it tomorrow as i am not home for the day. I appreciate your help so much. I will let you know the outcome.

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Ok, I have complete the Custom WeCreat Device, I have the Focus Z button. All my settings are changed in device setup, I can not see my camera on my workspace although I can see it in the Camera Control box. If I click on the Focus Z button, it runs to 100% and just sits there, I can not get out of it except by shutting down Lightburn. I also don’t have the material box in the cut screen to enter any numbers. I have a feeling it will be much easier to just measure my material then try to figure all this out again, as it took me weeks to get it working correctly (except for the focus Z button) to begin with. I certainly appreciate all your work on helping people out but I am just too
new to lasers and laser language to want to start all over getting this set up. But at least I know that I tried and can quit fretting over this one thing. Thank you again.

Just updated the device in the original topic with Macros Laser Offset and Auto Focus Z set to M130X200Y150
Test the updated one please.
WeCreat_Custom GCode.lbdev (3.9 KB)

For this you have to Enable Z axis and disable Relative Z moves only.

But this is for setting material height manually, also during your tests use a non reflective material for focus.

Reloaded, now have material entry location back, still no Camera on workspace, still just sits at 100% when you click on the FocusZ button and have to shut down Lightburn to get out. Under my normal settings, if I click on the Focus that is in the Console tab, it will run, stop at 92% and then just sit there, but I can click stop to shut it off. I changed to Enable Z axis, entered my correct numbers for the Laser Offset (x12.00, y0.0). I just used a piece of basswood to focus.

For the camera you may have to select it in the camera tab maybe it reverted back to none.
Just a question: The Vista also has a reddot? If yes when you do Z autofocus is it on?
If yes and is Off try first clicking the Reddot macro button and then do a Z Focus.

Yes, I did select the WeCreat Camera, still nothing. The Vista has red cross hairs and the red dot for AutoFocus in Makeit. It doesn’t change with anything I click or do, it is always there when it is suppose to be.

It has all messed up my alignment too, so have to redo that. I am going to stick with what was working for me before. I appreciate your help but I now need to reset up stuff and that is what I didn’t want to do. I am sure someone more knowledgeable them me would be able to figure this out with your assistance, but as I said, I am new to all this and I worked REALLY hard to figure out alignment and Laser Offset. I am ok with measuring. Thanks again. Have a great week.

You can switch back to your original laser device without redoing everything.