Like some waves or ridges on my filling

Hi all !

I have some waves or ridges on my Ikier K1 PRO 36w when I use 20mm/20%. At 100mm, it’s not a lot but a big one.

It’s in the other way of the cutting size, so it’s not between 2 cutting lines. It’s likes the power is constantly go up and down quickly.

Donyou know this prob ?

Thanks for sharing an example of your issue. Could you provide a screenshot of your cut settings editor?

I think it has to do with your overscanning settings.

I confirm it’s like overscan problem, during acceleration in fact.

It’s only at the begining and ending of each movement.
And I can see I have some cutting errors, it’s outside from that I want. Some little cutting lines.

My overscan is on 2.5%, with power variation.
Does I need to stop overscan parameters ?
Is it a belt problem ? Does I need to screw it more strongly ?

You could run this test file:

GrundTest.lbrn2 (76.4 KB)

to determine whether your machine requires mechanical maintenance.

Please include the settings you used when providing images of your laser’s output, they are a big piece of the puzzle.

I will test it this weekend :slight_smile:
I found same as me I think => Ikier 24w pulsing laser power with Overscan enabled, anyone seen this before?

I tested a lot !

I don’t have any problem with the file, working great. The problem is not on cutting lines, but filling.

I tested differents parameters, and this is my feedback : the problem is dependant of the power of laser. Under 35%, ridges appears all time. From origin to final point, when it make acceleration and deceleration. Never at constant speed. It’s same if it’s w/wo overscan.
I tried to create oblique one, and it’s same.Just, the ridge is in same direction.
I tried to use 90° rotation of filling, to check if the belt of X have problem, but same on Y, same ridges.
Same if I force constant power mode w/wo overscan.

I didn’t checked if the number of ridges depend of the speed or of the power. In my mind, I think the problem is for conception of the laser, under 35% perhaps the converter is too bad, and the laser is affected by acceleration and deceleration.

Is it possible that the prob is the laser by himself ? I think I will charge the sample on USB drive w/o Lightburn to test comportment, check if the prob is hard or soft.