Load prefs backup

I have ruida 6422s B-(EC)

I was attempting to correct an issue where lightburn was alway on at full power when executing a file
After days of trying to resolve this issue and countless emails back/fwd to Cloudray (suspeting the Power suppl) to no avail, i did the thing I should not have done. that is I did a factory reset. Disaster struck. On power up of my machine the origin has changed from back right to back left and crashes,

I do have a Load prefs which I tried to load one of the many backups but that wasnt sucsefull.

So for the moment I’m screwed.

It’s my fault but please help.

We have a video on restoring prefs that may be worth checking just to verify this is the method you have tried:

I know you mentioned trying to load one and it not being successful but do you have any additional info on that?

Are you saying the restore is not applying? Or perhaps the restore isn’t far enough back to return to the settings you were using before?

And it reset everything to the factory defaults… just like it’s supposed to do. Unfortunately, not the vendors settings… as you figured out.

You are not alone … A quick search of this site for a reset advises against it.

There are a couple of threads that may help… use the search option in the tool bar…

Here’s one… MW laser is a great source…

Here is one of my early lbset files… There are a number of things that are different between mine and yours so check it out before you load and run with it.

blue-laser-machine-settings.lbset (12.7 KB)

The esc key on the machines console with escape you out of a home operation and allow you to control the machine powered up without disconnecting anything.

In the end, it’s likely that you will have to figure it out if Cloudray doesn’t have a backup for you.

What was the reason behind a communication with Cloudray and a path to a factory reset?

If you have issues, sing out :scream_cat:

Good luck


Thanks Jack,
I did manage to sort it out after all.
I found that I had initiated a backup albeit a year or so ago. so I loaded that file into the Ruida and all was well.

As for what was the reason for the factory reset. >
Well I have been at my wits end with my machine.

For some reason the %power the laser fires is always at maximum. That’s even when i have Lightburn power levels min and max set to Zero.
My Millameter on the machine shows 20ma no matter what. i have been in contact with cloudray in China (Suspecting my Power Supply M80) for over a week and have many emails back and forward with no solution being found.

I have even provided Scope traces showing %power levels and also the trigger level to turn the laser on/off. China keep asking same question over and over, it’s really frustrating. Here is some of my testing. We can clearly see that The Rudia is sending the correct PWM signal for 0/25/50/75% power levels set in lightburn. I am suspicious that the Power supply is somehow ignoring these power settings. Unless…?

All other traces are made with the Laser mins supply disconnected

It’s odd that there is no output for the last three…?

Check the LPS to see if the laser enable signal (Ruida L-On1) is connected to L or H.

Sounds like it’s inverted… This depends on your controller. The Ruida L-On1 signal is active low, that may not have been the case with the previous controller.

This may not be the case either.

Since you have a scope, you can check that the Ruida is wired correctly to the lps. If you can chase down the wiring, it might help us isolate this.

It’s odd that your scope trace pwm isn’t the same height (voltage) during each period. This is mine, the magenta is L-On1 (L on the lps) and yellow is the pwm output at 50%…

There are two main controls to the lps. There is IN which takes your pwm signal, makes it analog and uses that voltage to set the current limit within the lps.

There is L that is laser enable. The Ruida produces a continuous pwm anytime it’s running a layer. When L goes low it can lase at the IN set value.

Make sense?

I’d start by ensuring the laser enable of the Ruida is going to the L input of the lps… If it’s going to H (inverted L) that’s a problem.


Hi Jack, I can confirm that l-on-1 does indeed swing from hi to low when cutting and returns to hi when complete.
I can also confirm that Ruida LPWM—1 goes to the LPS on pin in. It carries a good pwm signal in keeping with that set in Lightburn. And can also confirm that Ruida L-on1 at the LPS L
Something got screwed in here somewhere but where I do not know.
From where I stand it looks like the LPS is getting all the correct information from the Ruida.

Regards and thanks for your time. Cloudray say they are attempting to find someone to do a FaceTime link up with me, I’m still waiting.

Only the first trace shows power on the meter, the other 3 traces were taken with the AC supply to the LPS disconnected.


That answers the question of why you didn’t have any current flow at other settings. Would have been nice to know beforehand.

It still seems to me like something is inverted in the controls.

Can you check the controller to ensure it’s controlling L-On1 when you want it to lase?

If this is inverted it will lase when it shouldn’t. Does your scope have only a single input or trace? It’s best to see, both pwm and l-on1 at the same time.

Does it leave a movement trace on the material, lasing when it shouldn’t?


Jack I’m ever so sorry that i didn’t make you aware that the other 3 traces were taken with mains power disconnected.

You ain’t going to believe this, I purchased a small digital power meter, the kinds that has the test button detects water flow etc, I’m sure you know the one, well I plugged it in and set the pot half way, that darn thing seems to have shaken of my bug. The machine now generates cut files at various settings in Lightburn. I may as well be honest but in desperation and prior to fitting the digital meter I opened up the supply, gave the pcb a good going over and found no apparent fault, I then proceeded to adjust the trim pot on the pcb and brought the mill amp meter down to zero. So far so good, the only issue is ensuring that the potentiometer is set correctly. Do you know if there is a correct method for adjusting the power output of the supply via this pot? Ideally I’d like to get it right.

Not really, a link is always good…

There are a few of these meters around. Does it plug into your lps with a connector that looks like Ethernet?

If it’s what I think, I would only expect to be able to lower the output, but just manually.

I would not expect it to correct the issue you’re having.


Yes it’s the one with the Ethernet type connector. And a test fire button on it, I may have buggered up the power setting originally by turning that small pot. The advantage is , that as soon as I connected it I could turn the power right down. I have seen other posts regarding calibration of the supple so I will study that, thank for all your help and for listening.

Again, I would not expect this to fix it, maybe mask it, but not correct it. Something else must be going on.

However, if you’re happy, I’m happy :tada:


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