Longer Ray5 Y-Axis Extension Problem

After installing the extension, I changed the Height from 400 to 850.

So far, so good.
However, I don’t want to edit my artwork in a vertical format. Especially as the art is of horizontal nature.
I tried “swap x/y output to laser” and several variations on origin, but the y-axis always ends up being the shorter axis.


Pretty much a noob, will take any “hey dummy” that comes along.

Happy New Year everyone,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Laserman,

You have to edit $131=850.
Your machine becomes rotated also.


I do not have your problem, but I would design in whatever orientation makes you happy. Then rotate it to match the laser when ready to burn. A couple of clicks of the Comma Key should do the trick.

Forget trying to switch X & Y.
[1] You will be moving the sweeping motion from the Xaxis to the Yaxis. Not a good idea because Y has substantially more mass.
[2] You will have to physically relocate the Home switches if you have them.
[3] You will have to change a bunch of controller parameters, if it will let you.

Adapt is much easier than redesign.

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That did it.
As I was installing limit switches that day, I had to update the settings anyways…


Happy big lasering.

Mark that as a Solution so others can find it.

How do I do that? I can’t find a mechanism. Thanks.

Never did it myself, but I found this…

Edit: I had no idea not every subject could be labeled with a Solution.

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