Makerbase MKS DLC32 V2.1 controller doesn't respond!

Got a new controller Makerbase MKS DLC32 V2.1 lights up with no movement , Laser fan doesn’t even kick in , I am waiting for these BIGTREETECH 2Pcs TMC2208 V3.0 UART Stepper Motor Driver with Heatsink for Octopus V1.1 do I need these to be in for response ?

I would expect all function other than stepper movement to work without the drivers installed. Note that those boards may not have firmware already loaded specific to the function you expect to use.

Do you have basic connectivity to the board and able to communicate with it?

I have now got the laser on its & homing which it wasn’t but there is no movement in any direction but I am slowly getting somewhere .
So its got to be cable’s ?

Sorry rubbish at this i have downloaded the DLC firmware from GITHUB its and CH340 driver as well.

I’m not following exactly where you are in process. Are you working between 2 different boards? MKS DLC32 and Octopus?

Does the DLC32 have Stepper Drivers installed? I assume so since you’re getting movement for homing. Your initial post seemed to indicate that you did not so want clarification.

Which cable are you referring to here? If the machine is moving and homing at all that likely means that the cabling within the machine itself are likely okay. Homing is handled entirely by the controller.

Are you connected with the computer to the controller via USB cable? If so, do you get any messages/logging in Console in LightBurn?

Just one board Makerbase DLC32 v2.1 when i mean it wasn’t even homing in the Console it said something failed to home due to error but thats okay now.
so just 1 board I did want put it together with My P-DA-01 adapter but that can wait i have what i have learnt and know in but nothing apart from the laser comes not even a judder from a stepper to suggest any slight movement ?
Was just for anything about stepper motor drivers had problems with them before.

Yes I am connected via USB and i have messages :slight_smile:

I’m having a difficult time parsing your replies.

What was it saying before and what is it saying now? In what way is it not an issue anymore?

Can you please provide some history and a summary of the current state? Is this a full DIY build? Or is this a board replacement?

Does the DLC32 have stepper drivers installed?

What messages are you getting? Can you take a screenshot or copy and paste the exact messages?

Did you install the firmware? What version of the firmware are you on now?

It just tells MKS DLC32 -FIRMWARE Off Github ? doesn’t say any version of it on the file but it’s in …

Provide the exact link to the file that you downloaded. The various firmware are not all equally compatible.

Also, confirm whether or not you have a display that accompanies the board.

Im going to have dig deep to find that file i found it last night and do You mean the maker base screen board ?

I’m referring to either TS24 or TS35 displays that are often associated with MKS DLC32 boards.

I didn’t get the display ?

Does that have to be with it ?

The display is inconsequential to function but relevant for firmware selection.

Im looking on Github i will never find the same maker base file i put in i could delete it and put another one in , I might have the wrong 1 should this have the drivers on it for the stepper motors ?

Before proceeding can you answer the questions in post #8? This really requires more context to address properly.

This suggests you may not be familiar with the function of the various components of the board.

Can you confirm whether or not you have something like the TMC2208 or other compatible stepper driver installed onto the MKS DLC32? Without this you will never get motion from the stepper motors.

I am not familiar with it & I dont know what the TMC2208 is was just going to look before you messaged me , My other board i wrecked it by accident I didn’t have to do anything to get it running really that i can remember…

sorry i have bought 2 today getting mixed they are on my X and y they have 2 little wires that i found that i cant find where they go ?

They are bigstreetch tmc 2208