Min and Max Power settings

I’m attempting to set my min and max power settings to the same level, but the min level is ‘greyed out’ preventing me from doing this. Why?

Hard to accurately say without more details. You offer little for us to work with. What laser system, controller, firmware are you working with? What type of artwork are you using, vector, raster image, both?

I do not know of this “machine”. Please update so folks do not have to ask every time you request assistance.

Screen capture the ‘Cut Settings Editor’ window for this layer and post. We can go from there.

EEK, is that my personnel details displayed there Rick. Ohhh no.

It is the information you provided for your public profile on this forum.

Look for this " Filling out your profile with your Machine Details:" section in the following post for more about how to edit this information to help us all:

I’m using latest Lightburn Software with an Endurance 10w+ Laser on an Eleksmaker A3 Plus

The screen doesn’t allow you to modify the Min Power setting because on GRBL that’s only used when engraving grayscale images.

Thanks Rick, Now I’m being really really thick so bear with me please. I cannot find the icon to change my profile settings. Despite your best efforts I try to follow But I cannot find that gear Icon on the top right,??
I really am sorry please humor me.

Drat it I found the gear Icon after all that. Now to put my machine settings in?

Is this intended to be a question? Once you are on the profile page, you should be able to edit what you initially entered. Is this not working for you?

Edit: I see you have successfully edited your profile. Thank you.

Thanks Rick, please forgive me,
you know that box that says dont put your password in here, well guess what I did. What a numpty. I’m heading for a glass or two of wine now!!!

Just before you go…2 things… First, you are fine. No forgiveness required. Second, might want to change your password now that others know that is what it is. :wink:

Yep, did that. password changed. Thanks again.

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