MKS DLC32 2.1 and K40 Panel


can someone help me to get the K40 panel to work with my DLC board?

Connected the DLC board some time ago and all was working, but i want to connect the original control panel to it too.

I need the test fire button but wasnt able to make it work.strong text

this is how i connected it. L G IN and 5V are empty. I connected them like shown there, the “original” way but was not able to make test button working with my dlc…

now the control board is not connected and pwm is working via lightburn

I’ll make a stab at it… I don’t own a K40, but I do have a DLC board that I’ve never hooked up to my co2 machine… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I do know how most lps (laser power supply) signals control it.

I will assume the left board is your original console…?

I also don’t know what switches/buttons your panel has or how it’s wired internally…

G is just Ground. It’s common to all signals.

Leaving only IN and L.

IN controls the maximum current allowed by the lps. This can be a pwm or a dc voltage.

L is for Laser Enable, when it goes low (active), it lases at the current specified by the voltage (or pwm) applied to the IN terminal of the lps.

Does that make any sense?


Jeah that makes absolute sense. Got i connected that the panel is working again.

Connected Spindle/ PWM output also to IN to use it with lightburn.
Now i just need to find out how to activate L by set it to ground if i want to start a laser job. I guess i need to connect it to the gnd of the spindle pin. Need to see if it works that way when signal from pwm is send

The way to get this operational would be use your console mounted laser enable switch to pull L to ground.

The laser is always enabled and the when the pwm generates a signal your laser will turn on with that current value…


There is this way, but I’ve never tried it…

Good luck


Hi there, anybody testet out the TMC2208 Driver? Got mine yesterday, because i blowed the original ones :see_no_evil: (i followed a mirrored pic, so GND was in the wrong corner)…regards from cold & rainy germany, udo

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