Monport Reno45 Pro - Air Assit On/Off

I recently purchased a Monport Reno45 Pro. The air assist appears to always be on. I’d like to turn it off for one particular acrylic engraving job. The air assist on/off slider doesn’t appear to work in Lightburn. Evidently, it must not be programable. Before I add a push-to-connect flow valve, which is like a 30 second job, have any other Reno users figured out how to turn the air off. Perhaps it’s in the DSP controller but I haven’t stumbled across it yet.

Sure it is not low with the Lightburn Air Assist switch off and high with it on? That is how my SF-A9 machine works.

You could try the solution from this post? TopWisdom TL-A1 Air Assist

Maybe, but sure.

Thank you for the links. I’ll investigate further.

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I was able to wire a relay up to the air compressor and TL-A1 controller in Reno 45 Pro. Everything is working as it should in Lightburn. I made a quick-n-dirty wiring diagram for myself. Others might find it useful.