My X axis is moving in one direction only after grbl update

Hello, My X axis is moving in one direction only and my dual Y axis steppers are not moving at all but they are holding resistance all after I updated from grbl .09j to 1.1h. My machine is a cnc laseraxe using an arduino nano and board. I am using a 15w diode laser. my work area is 100cm x 100cm or 39.37 inches x 39.37 inches. I am not really sure what I need to do to fix this. Here my configs:




































$110 $111 are set to low, try around 5000
What is your drive system? belt
Also change $32=1
Is your device set as plain GRBL?

Thanks for your reply. Yes there are belts on the rails. and yes just plain GRBL.

I made the changes as you suggested but still no change in movement.
here is the updated configs:




































There was an extremely similar situation earlier on this forum. This whole Topic is worth review but here’s a good post to start with:

Thanks for the link I am reading it now!

Thank god my axis are moving now after that specific firmware update from the other thread, But now my laser is firing but there is not much intensity and it is not even making any slight burn marks. Here is the latest config.



































Thanks for any help in advance!

I did verify in lightburn that the s-value max is set 1000 and $30=1, I also have power set in cut layers at 100%.

I hope you mean $30=1000. Assuming yes, then that should really be all you need to do. How are you determining that power is weak? Is it possible that your speed settings are just too high?

Yes 1000 lol sorry But I was measuring the voltage from the TTL port on the board while I was running a the word “test” in lightburn and I had my digital volt meter on DC reading 100 to200 milivolts as it was fluctuating. If I run the laser with out TTL connected of course it is on all the time and will burn a hole through the test material 1/16" veneer ply.

First, check at various power levels in LightBurn and validate whether you get any power modulation at all. Trying to understand if you have no control of PWM or if it’s simply scaled down.

Second, with power set to 100% can you go to File->Save gcode, save with .txt extension, and upload the file here? Would like to confirm that LightBurn is commanding full power.

How are you running without TTL connected?

Can you confirm that you had proper power modulation prior to upgrading the firmware?

Let me gather this info real quick and I will upload this info back here

Here is the gcode
saved gcode.txt (6.8 KB)

G1 X-0.086Y-0.0519S1000F250

LightBurn is definitely requesting 100% power. So something else going on likely at the controller.

Hmm, What would you suggest I look at for the controller?

Can you review the other items I listed earlier?

Sorry How would I check the width modulation in lightburn?

Run various jobs at 0%, 25%, 75%, and 100% power while you check the voltage at the TTL/PWM pins on the controller. Document the respective voltages. 0% should correlate to 0V and 100% should correlate to 5V. Based on your previous test you were saying that 100% correlated to 100-200 mV. I want to understand if it’s a constant 100-200 mV or if it scales with power requested.

Sorry, This forum would not let me post back to your comment yesterday it said I had to wait 16 hours before replying LOL anyways
I was testing the laser without the TTL wire connected to the laser. Just the constant 12v from the controller connector that says “laser” printed next to it.

Can you take a photo of your controller board such that any markings are visible?

Also, please do the same for the laser module itself.

Either your laser is not equipped to handle variable power or something else is going on.

In the meantime, can you test voltagas at TTL/PWM pins on the controller? I’d like to understand if the controller is capable of modulating power.