I purchased a NeJe 40 watt laser diode moduld, it seems to work really well, but when I use the fire button it burns the wood or paint, even molly spray. I’ve checked $30 it is still set to 1000. Fire is at .01%.
Which Device Profile are you using? Please show your Device Settings for this profile.
Ok. I’m at work till midnight. I’ll check when I get home.
[quote=“Bpfoldesi, post:1, topic:35180, full:true”]
I purchased a NeJe 40 watt laser diode moduld, it seems to work really well, but when I use the fire button it burns the wood or paint, even molly spray. I’ve checked $30 it is still set to 1000. Fire is at .01
If you look to the ‘S-value max’ you have currently in the Device Settings window, that does not match what you say you have set in firmware. This is making it so the laser power is not scaling correctly, as these numbers do not match. They need to match.
I forgot to say that since my original post I set both values at 2000 as an experiment I change them back to 1000 it doesn’t matter which way I set them I even tried 10,000 it does the same thing. I’m thinking that the minimum value on this Tony controller that came with the laser will only output a certain percentage which is higher than the fire value.
Are there any more suggestions?
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