NEJE cutting lines with random fails

Hi, I’m having strange cutting fails with a Neje Master2. It’s like this post: Possible cutting (line) error but the solution dont work for me because my Laser is a Diode Laser.

Any suggestion?

White paper is not easy to cut with a visible light diode, because it reflects so much of the power. Make sure it’s focused well, and you might have to go slower.

Hi, thanks for reply.
Yes, after some reading on the Forums, I understood the issues of cutting white paper. I’m just not considering it, because I’ve already made some good cuts on white paper without problems in another software for Windows :nauseated_face: .

As I’ve always worked with video, I only have “OSX” around me, so I’m trying to switch to LightBurn.
I can’t understand these flaws in the cut, I thought they were “Tabs” but in addition to the “Tab” function being turned off, the flaws appear at random.
Good Weekend for all, thanks.

Those gaps are probably where the laser starts and stops. If your acceleration is very low that can use issues as well, because the power will ramp up slowly as the laser speeds up.

It makes sense, because most of these gaps are at the “Start/End” line.
Could you explain more about these settings? What exactly are the values I need to adjust.

Apologies that I didn’t see this immediately - The acceleration settings are $120 and $121 in your GRBL firmware.

Type $$ in the console to see your current settings. “Normal” for these values will really depend on the kind of machine you have, but for belt driven machines, 500 to 1500 is a reasonable range.

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