NeJe laser draws concentric circles inaccurate

Hi colleagues, I’ve bought NeJe Master 2s plus recently and now i’m facing with a problem regarding circles drawing. I’ve checked some things before posting here. I’ve made following:

  1. Hide backlash → On
  2. Calibrated axises → laser draws 200 x 200 square perfectly
  3. Tightened belts

But nonetheless I have such artifacts when I’m burning concentric circles:

As you can see laser draws the left and the right sides of circles almost perfectly. But when it goes up and down seems like one axe doesn’t keep up to the another.

This is how it must look like:

Project in Lightburn:
circles.lbrn2 (352.7 KB)

What I’m missing?

This is likely something mechanical rather than something in your design. Suggest you focus on 3 areas:

  1. belt tension - I know you said you’ve checked this but please revisit
  2. slop in your guide rails - make sure you don’t have excessive movement from wheel looseness
  3. are your axes square - make sure you frame is absolutely square. If your 200x200 is indeed square then you should probably be okay.

Reference this earlier topic on some specifics about how to do some of these steps:

Report back with updated photos.


I’ve just finished drawing the same circles but as a picture (in jpg format) via NeJe software on my smartphone. And the circles are absolutely ok.They are concentric and doesn’t intersect at all.
I know, that the comparison isn’t absolutely fair, because the picture is drawn in a line-by-line style, but I think it actually confirms, that the frame is set up correctly.

Probably good enough to confirm squareness which is good but won’t give you the full picture for the other issues.

If you wanted an apples-to-apples comparison you could try the same image in LightBurn.

The big difference is that with images the laser head is scanning in a linear motion with only small movements per line on the other axis. Line engraving has the head moving on 2 axes and with changes in direction. Rigidity and belt tension become much more important then.

@berainlb you were right, seems that it was related to the belt tension. I’ve realised, that the second part of Y axe isn’t tightened enough (at the same time the first one was Ok, it’s a linear belt, it has 2 points of mounting. And the result became a way better:

It’s still not perfect, but anyway it’s like night and day.

I’ve spent the whole day testing it, when it’s happend:

Without any reason motors stopped, but the laser continued burning my MDF plate at 100% power. As a result I have a coal instead of my brand new Bosch worktable =)

The lesson I got is: don’t leave a laser without any attention

Oh no! I’m glad it wasn’t worse than this and that you’re still with us. But that’s a valuable lesson. These can be seriously dangerous machines.

You’re the second person recently that I’ve seen who’s had a failure condition with the laser turned on.

At least I’m glad to see that you’ve improved the tracking.

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