Light burn software does not connect to my NEJE Master 2 with 20W laser machine. Is there a setting I must do to achieve connection?
Did you configure LightBurn for your laser?
I did not configure my Lightburn. I don’t know how.
Open up your laser tab and select devices, you can try find my laser or create manually. Make sure you have the laser firmware type (grbl, smoothie, etc…) and the com port correct on the laser tab.
I tried all your suggestions, it still does not connect.
I tried saving the file and print it from the NEJE program, it does not read either. It seems that files created by Lightburn is unique only to Lightburn only.
I was asked if I want to update, my question is that will I be asked to update my license with an additional payment? And will it connect to my NEJE Master printer?
Hi Simon,
Lets try to get your Neje Connected.
Tell me more about your computer.
This may be worth review.