NEJE Master 2 - GRBL connection

More digging…

From NEJE updater:
what did I di ti GRBL-1.1f original?

  1. Change xyz stepPerMm 250.0 to 40.0
  2. change xyz acceleration 10.06060 to 100.06060
  3. change DIRECTOR_INVERT_MASK 0 to 1 (invert-x)

That answer a few questions

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Try disabling homing requirement. Laser is probably not turning on because you can’t get your GRBL setup correctly and it probably has homing set ON.

Or, you could cheat and send $h and then press and hole one switch and then the other and then let them both go. You might be able to turn the laser on then. Again, just turn homing requirement of. It’s a GRBL setting. See output from $$ command… then search/google “GRBL settings homing”

Hi DougL,
NEJE has an app that can push 3 GRBL versions to the machine.
Under each, they placed a note saying what they’ve done to the original GRBL.
They didn’t provide the source code, but they described what they have modified.
I have no idea why the modifications were done or how to do them, but I will do some more testing later.
I want to use LB, even if I have to replace the machine. But NEJE 20w seem to have a very good laser (precision/focus/power) and the frame seemed good to store, as I have kids, I have to setup quickly and put away quicker.
LB will make the process quicker, that is why I favouring hit and run approaches.
Thank you so far. Let’s keep digging. I wish LB and NEJE worked together on this, seems like an easy solve, just a lack of opportunity.

The problems you described earlier don’t make any sense… Having to change G1 to G01, etc.

Please answer these 2/TWO questions:

What is the problem you are having with LIghtburn running this NeJe laser directly connected via USB cable and with the GRBL device type set?

Upon turning on the machine I would expect it to Home… and after connecting to it in Lightburn you should be able to hit the Home button and hear it click the 2 end stops.

My bad, I’m trying to keep the messages short.

First issue I was having was with the G code created by LB or any other G code, when saved as a .nc filé to be imported by the NEJE App, it only accepted specific format. Only the g code created by their Inkscape plugin worked.
That was what I described G1 vs G01

The other attempt, was to ignore the NEJE App and use LB to push the code to the machine via GRBL interface.
When doing that, there is no homing. But I could still interact with the machine. But LB does not cut or engrave when pressing “cut” it just go over where it should cut without turning the laser on. Also the job stays running for a long time, you have to stop it manually.
By saving the code, editing it and sending to the machine with some modifications, I managed to have some resoults, but I have no control over the laser power, it’s all or nothing. I can control the speed, the g-code is fine.

I downloaded the firmware update from neje, there showed me what they changed on the code, and it’s where I noticed they disabled the S code, along with another 3 changes.
So, if I can push the original GRBL 1.1f, the spindle control will be enabled, and I could control the laser power, but I can also erase the other modifications they have done. They also done the same modifications on previous versions, I don’t know the reasons, but I’m going to try to push the original GRBL 1.1f and see what happens.

I hope it made more sense now

You need to test your assumptions better to learn what’s happening. g1 vs g01 work fine so that was never a problem.

I asked you to answer 2 questions… But it sounds like you’re starting to get an understanding of things and will eventually figure out what is causing your problem. IMO it is most likely your GRBL system settings as shown via $$ command. Good luck.

Hi DougL,
The Master 2 has 3 interfaces. Bluetooth, NEJE and GRBL, let’s separate that way. When connected to the machine, an LED will indicate how you are connected.
When connected via NEJE, (only using NEJE App) G1 vs G01 has a difference.
When connected via GRBL, it was never a problem (you are right).
Some progress, and other issues.
I have now flashed the GRBL with the original 1.1f
Described below are things that happen when you press “Play” in LB.
Laser head moves to the start location with no power to the laser.
It starts the laser at the power strength you set in LB. (YESSS!)
It moves the head with easy in and out acceleration, which burns the beginning and end of the lines (pic1)

It burns between cuts (pic 2)

It cuts with an unknown scale. I tested with a 10x10mm square. (pic3)

sure, your machine is not setup correctly. I mentioned a number of times the $$ command to show what your GRBL machine setting are but you refuse to acknowledge and continue playing…

Dump/display all the settings: $$

Go through each one and research what each one is for and determine if they are currently set to the correct value. Fix it when not.

BTW, “3 interfaces. Bluetooth, NEJE and GRBL” is not understandable. Bluetooth is a wireless serial specification and implementation. It can be called an interface but it is how you connect and communicate with the device. USB is another serial interface but it is not wireless. The NEJE application is the human interface which eventually sends serial information( GCode text ) over the serial connection(wired or wireless) just like Lightburn application. Please stop using NEJE application and ONLY use Lightburn. GRBL, that is the software on the laser cutter board. That board seems to have 2 ways to accept serial information USB or Bluetooth. GRBL reads the GCode commands one by one and controls the hardware on the board which then does things like moves motors and turns on/off the laser and even reads switches if it has homing switches.

Fix your GRBL settings, use Lightburn to draw a box, set the line speed and power and hit the Run button.

I don’t know what you mean by $$.
This is my first laser, I never knew anything about GRBL or G-code till now, which I still don’t know.
I have no idea where or how the GRBL settings are stored.
NEJE App is gone! I’m not using it anymore since I manage to connect and get something with LB.
When I mentioned the interface, I didn’t mean physical or type. Perhaps if I referred to as protocol would be better.
Screenshot 2020-05-24 at 18.54.38
Forget the NEJE App or NEJE Mode, I was just trying to give more info.

LB, GRBL Doesn’t power off the laser on G0 (travel)
LB, GRBL-M3 sends M5 command before G0 command. So the burning on travels is resolved.

The scale of the prints, still wrong.

Where do I get the configuration? Where can I change the settings? In LB?

You would do yourself well to use google to search for things you don’t know about.
It’s a GRBL command to dump settings…

I missed the point of the forums.
Thanks again for the help, I will direct my clueless questions to Google.
Now I know what to look for, I’ll do that.

The point of the forum is for interaction and help but my god man, you have to do something to help yourself… I don’t know EVERYTHING about GRBL and surely you do not expect me to teach you everything… I’m just another Lightburn user and your problems are not with Lightburn…

So doing some of your own research when you don’t understand something is courtesy to people who are spending their time and effort trying to help. I could start billing by the hour and then I’d be happy to walk you though every single little thing it’ll take to get your NEJE running. :slight_smile:

I appreciate it.
The link you sent me was all I needed.
I just didn’t you could do that. I was looking in the wrong place, so as every other person looking for the same solution.
I’ll document the steps and share it with NEJE and LB.
Again, no joke, thank you.
I didn’t like the patronising, but you did help me. So thanks.

The GRBL settings that works on correct scale and somewhat reasonable speeds. Using GRBL-M3 from LB.

$$ < $0=10

You are running GRBL v1.1f so you need to be using the Lightburn GRBL interface type not GRBL-M3.
The notes for those selections state this.

As I suspected, you do not have things setup… homing is turned off… $22=0 and should be $22=1
Your machine size isn’t set $130, $131, $132.

And when you work through setting these things up, DON’T TRY TO RUN GCODE, just use home button and the movement controls to make sure stuff is working the way it should. Going in the correct direction, moving the correct amount etc.

Look at this for help understanding what some of the GRBL setting are for:

I really can’t believe the GRBL and GRBL setting which were already on the machine were not correct already and would have worked with Lightburn. IIRC, you tried to manipulate gcode because the NEJE application would not allow you to use G1 etc… Now you have to work backwards from scratch.

I’m happy with the learning here. I was trying to get a G code to be accepted by NEJE App, and ended up dumping the NEJE app all together.
GRBL cuts through the movements. GRBL-M3 works fine. I can even control the laser power and speed.
Now, thanks to you, I figured the scale out.
Speeds were too slow, so I made a bit faster. Sending commands to the machine until I was happy.
Now, homing will be tomorrow task. As per other forums, the limit switches are not responding to homing, but let’s say that we made more progress here than any other place I looked for solutions.
NEJE GRBL, not set for LB, stock GRBL, doesn’t work correctly…
The settings I copied above are after I modified the original GRBL. It was matching with the settings on the website you sent me the link.
BTW, thanks again for the PDF. Very helpful again.

you do not have homing enabled. It will not care what the switches are set to normal/inverted since it is desabled. I told you which GRBL setting to change.

FYI, I sent you the PDF to show you what the purpose of those setting are, not to copy them… I have no idea what machine they were configured for and it is NOT the same as your machine. So don’t copy the settings unless you know what they mean and why you want the value they set it to.

I understood that. Thanks.

Hi DoughL,
I have managed to use the machine ok now with LB.
Homing won’t work, enabling, disabling, unlocking the arm, sending commands via console… I’ll have a break from fiddling with it.
GRBL-M3 works ok. the GRBL only doesn’t.

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Not surprised as you have lots of things not setup in your GRBL settings…$20,$21,$22, $23 unset and gheesh, even $32 isn’t enabled…

You’ll get there.