NEJE Master 2 - GRBL connection

NEJE Disabled the M4 command, so you actually do have to use the GRBL-M3 device driver in LightBurn unless you re-flash the firmware to a proper version of GRBL. I sent them a message asking why they disabled it, but never got a response.

It’s a dumb thing for them to change - it’s less safe: with M4, it’s not possible to stop the laser with the beam on unless you do it on purpose. With M3, pausing the laser will leave the beam on, and you don’t get nice even surface marking as the speed varies - you get the M3 result, like your rectangle where only the 4 corners burned, because it was moving slower there.

I guess I learned with try and errors.
I noticed the acceleration issues, but managed to adjust to get a good result.
I didn’t get it to home properly yet (or at all). I have to balance the time I can play with it between burning something or fiddling.
I wonder how nice would be to have it working as should.
I will resume my trials once work gives me a break.

I have Lightburn working on my Neje Master 2. Everything works except for homing with seems to be a non-issue (I manually move the laser to the home position before start-up.

In order to get it working, I tweaked a lot of things. This means I’m not sure which tweaks were required and which were not. I’m working with a few folks to try and retrace my steps on their machines to make sure the setup can be duplicated. Once I finish the setup, I will post instructions.


I’m happy to report that we have 3 of us who now have their Neje Master 2 working with Lightburn using 1.1f. Everything works except homing. I have put together the steps in a tutorial here:

Please share any feedback and let me know if you have any trouble.


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