Neje N30820 Laser Module

If you don’t follow what we told you, it might be smart to replace it.

I think @berainlb and I are both suggesting the same thing, if you are technically up to it how to test it. It sounds like that level of electronics isn’t your cup of tea. You are not alone.

Chalk it up to an education. You now know to check supply voltages and currents, even if you don’t know what they are… None of us ‘grasp’ it all overnight.

Let us know how it works out and if we can help. It’s much easier to post a question than to ‘toast’ something…

Take care.


I tested the laser and it’s not working. I sent a mail to neje explaining all the things and they told I can get the driver board replaced but they won’t give free after sales service since it’s burnt. I guess, getting the board replaced would be better than buying a new module. :relieved:

Make sure this is even user serviceable. I don’t think it’s plug and plug. If you go this route, you’ll probably need a qualified technician to replace the board.

Also, it looks like this laser module should be available for around $85. Not sure how much it would cost you to have the board replaced and that’s not a guaranteed fix.

What component ‘lost it’s smoke’.? The laser or the driver board?

I’m assuming, unlike @berainlb, I think that this ‘driver board’ is an external one where you connect power an pwm?

I doubt they would even have a replacement for the laser modules internals. I guess you never know…

Good luck


For the record my assumption was that the board was something like this.

Link to AliExpress for various Neje boards:
Neje Laser Module Ddriver Board A40640/a40630/n40630 Driver Board Replacement Kits - Wood Router - AliExpress

You can see a general process for replacing the board. They only show replacement of the top board, not the bottom board in that link. The issue is most likely in the top board but without actual diagnosis you wouldn’t know.

Unless you’re looking for a project or Neje is offering a free replacement board that you want to try repairing you’re likely better off just buying a replacment module.

If the issue is in the laser adapter board then much simpler. The one that looks like this:

I’m not sure about this but I did some research and read some of the topics on neje’s forum and found that many people have done this mistake of powering 12V module with a 24V adapter hence burning their module and changing the driver board has fixed the problem. See this vid :

They do have a seperate driver board that can be easily replaced by doing some soldering work as shown in the above video. And now I’m thinking to buy the board and get it replaced on an electric or repairing shop near me but neje doesn’t have the board for the module that I have in stock. So they sent me the link for the board from aliexpress and the price is very high (75USD : 15USD for board + 60USD shipping), I mean board’s price is reasonable but shipping fees is 4 times and the same board I’m getting for 30USD on alibaba. Since I have never shopped from alibaba so I’m little bit worried as to buy from there or not! If you have ever shopped from alibaba, would you please recommend whether I should order it or not ?

See, this is the driver board of the module but I don’t see any burn here or maybe I don’t know how a burn looks like on a circuit. I had a talk with neje and they are saying that replacing the board can solve my problem.

It may not be obvious.

The shipping cost is pretty severe. You may want to ask Neje what component of the board is damaged when over-volted. It may be cheaper to do a component repair in that case.

Yes I asked them, and shipping cost and the board’s cost is total 18USD, I’m buying it here from India. Although they said that I’ll have to manage the custom clearance if it happens. Since it’s a very small product, so there shouldn’t be any issue but as I have never purchased from outside the country, so a little worried as to, will I get it properly or not!

I don’t mean the entire board. I mean if this occurs often Neje should be able to tell you what component on the board has been damaged. You may be able to just replace that single component rather than the entire board. May be cheaper for you if you can source that part locally.

I’ve ordered a number of things from aliexpress and all have arrived without incident although they’ve all been low value items. Things may be different for where you are though.

How much is a full laser module replacement? You mentioned $200 earlier which seems high for this product but perhaps that’s due to customs or shipping.

The laser module is around 85USD on their site plus 9-10USD shipping, so around 100USD.

Actually the machine that I have is from ortur, Ortur Laser Master S2 and ortur’s laser module costs around 200USD, so that is what I mentioned earlier because I was thinking that if neje won’t work with ortur , I’ll have to spend 200 to get the ortur’s module.

Actually, some 1-2 month back, I ordered Ortur Laser Master 2 S2 from amazon that costed me around 850USD but there were some billing issues(bill was not on the company’s name where I work but on my name so we couldn’t file GST)so I had to return the machine and thought of ordering again with proper details and on company’s name but after returning the machine I found one local seller who was selling a custom made engraving machine for 500USD that had this neje’s N30820 laser module connected to it, so I bought that one instead of ortur. The machine looked like this

and these are the results of engraving that the machine did

And with my first purchase of ortur I did some engraving and this was the result

So, I returned that custom made machine but the seller took only machine and not the laser so I had to keep the laser and again after some research I found one company here in India only that sells ortur’s same machine for 500USD(laser module included) , so I talked to them and bought only the machine for 300USD and connected my neje module. And rest you know what happened after that.

And I didn’t buy this machine for my personal use but for my company with obviously company’s money. So I’m worried and stuck in the situation that after changing board if laser won’t work, I’ll eventually have to buy Ortur’s module only and the cost of neje’s laser(that I burnt by mistake) , I’ll have to pay it from my pocket.

Also, sir I want to know , if you have any idea that will connecting neje’s laser to ortur’s board give me the same result and precision as this ?

It shouldn’t matter what laser you have connected as the controller is ignorant of what laser it’s actually controlling. The effect of the laser should be the same with any controller…


There’s no reason that a functioning Neje module can’t be made to work on the Ortur. The only problem in this case was the voltage difference. The laser adapter board can be used to provide the correct voltage. Just make sure you’re only getting PWM/TTL and Ground from the Ortur.

Precision is going to be dictated more by the mechanics so assuming your Ortur is well sorted it should be able to get you a clean burn. However, bamboo is known to be difficult to engrave/cut so the strength of the laser will be a factor in how well or quickly you’ll be able to engrave. Having said that I see no reason you shouldn’t be able to get similar quality to that reference photo.

So how I should connect the neje module and ortur together is by giving the direct supply to this board through a 12V 2A adapter in the socket marked in blue and connect the white TTL wire from ortur to this pin marked with yellow, right sir ?

Both neje and ortur are of same power , 20W and optical output of 5.5W.
Neje N30820
Ortur LU2-4-SF
Just mentioning so that you can check and correct me if I’m wrong.

You will also need the ground wire. Make sure to exclude the Power line marked with “12V”.

Alternatively you could plug ground and TTL to Input A or input B. I’m assuming that all inputs A, B, C are interconnected with no logic.

While the power figures may be the same the actual engraving quality may be different due to other differences in the design like lens and diode quality, focus optimization, alignment, etc. They should be comparable, however.

When I reach home, I’ll do the connection and send you the photo then you tell if it’s right or not!

That’s why I’m concerned. Also the neje module is focus adjustable whereas ortur’s module is fixed focus.

Thank you so much for clearing this confusion.:handshake::handshake: