I have recently installed a home laser but am having difficulty setting it up. The laser is on when I turn on the machine and unable to set correct homing settings. I have used lightburn with a different laser but can’t seem to get this set up to run.
Welcome, Sandra. Please tell us more about this new gem. The more you can share the better.
I offer the following to assist you in getting the best possible answers when posting here.
Not familiar with your laser. Can you enter $I in consol then enter, then enter $$ enter and paste results here?
Can you also enter $$ into console and paste?
The laser is active when you turn it on or just lights on top on?
Where do you want to home it, and where does it attempt to home?
the laser is active when I turn it on.
I would like it to home at x0 y0
Do your jog controls work properly?
What happens when you try and home it?
Homing it is part of the problem. It crashes into the sides. I have tried adjusting the x and y in settings but does not help me.
Jogging seems to be fine. If I burn, the burn works great. It’s just that the laser won’t shut off. I have also checked the wiring connections and they are correct.
Do the power settings work or is it at full power? Wondering if there some problem with the controller.
I have been able to change the power settings and practiced briefly on a couple of pics and they seem to be working
Did Lightburn find laser or did you have to manually set it up in devices?
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