New tile engraving method

Hi Uncle Ron. Good morning ! I have ordered the battery operated coffee, milk stirrer so I can start doing OK. Anyway I have also done new mixtures for Ti02 following exactly what you recommended but add a bit more of Ti02 powder to do engraving. End result using 1000mm/70% power is slightly darker then the first test.

To make sure that my Laser Engraving machine is operating properly I tried doing engraving using Norton method and it work well. I still prefer Ti02 method and will try again when I receive my order for the stirrer. Thank you again and you have a great weekend. John

Hey there @RonClarke Quick question for you.
When you say a ā€œfullā€ table spoon of TI02 do mean exactly a table spoon measure or a heaping, as much as you can get in the measuring spoon?


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Ditto hereā€¦ I measure most things ā€¦ so Iā€™m wondering how many grams are in the TiO2 partā€¦

Donā€™t think Iā€™m getting @RonClarke mixture quite rightā€¦ Iā€™m also doing a lot of this on a my fiberā€¦

Iā€™d much rather deal with this than the toxic paint/remover for the NTMā€¦


Exactly why I asked. I mixed what I thought the ratios where but getting lighter than hoped.
Still playing around with thickness and mixture, but would like to hear if I am interpreting the ā€œfull tablespoonā€ wrong.

I was using 15cc computed to 63.6gā€¦ Donā€™t know if Iā€™m using the right amount or ?

A teaspoon is 5ml, a tablespoon is 3 teaspoons or 15ml.

Calculator results

He might use a tablespoon like my mother ā€¦ :face_with_spiral_eyes:


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I think that could be. I hope we find out.
Burning a test grid now. (with what I mixed)

I also 3D printed a mini paint mixer for a cordless drill. Works great for my small mason jar.


Well I have never been one for short measures. My full tablespoon is probably about 4 teaspoons. I always mix about half a large pickled onion jar at a time and use it for months on end. This way I tend to get constant results and only do a test at the start of a new batch. Sorry if I have misinformed you, but I really didnā€™t expect this to take off like it has with so many others posting their own methods etc. I did intend to make a video of my method, but health problems has somewhat delayed that.

Ok, so it is an actual measuring spoon.
I think I need to do some work on my application thickness.
Also, I have tweaked it so many times I have no idea what my mix is now. :crazy_face:

? Are there different grades of titanium. I have only ever purchased one pack from Amazon and unfortunately didnā€™t take note of what I got before binning the package. I will search my Amazon account to see if I can get some details. Iā€™ll post info if I can later.

I got this one with the fantastic labelling


Oh dear, I have only been able to find that it was for soap making. Sold by weight and stated as a generic powder. UK seller Ā£5 for 500g. Details of seller are no longer available
Looks like I will be back to square one next time I want to buy some more. I see there is many types/grades for different users. I do remember it said food safe. So maybe thereā€™s a clue there as to type.

Cā€™mon, itā€™s perfectly safe when used exactly according to package directions! :man_shrugging:

Kinda like snorting a couple of lines wouldnā€™t do you any good at all, but mixing a paste for brushing your teeth might brighten your smile. Ya never know ā€¦

That is a great idea.
You go first. :smiley:

Hi Mike Iā€™m also using Ti02 and bought this online : Cost of each 100gm can is about US$5.00. I used to do mixing and stirring by hand but the engraving results are not consistent. As recommended by Uncle Ron Iā€™m now waiting for delivery of my battery operated stirrer to start again. This time I will stir intensely before every application. I use brush to paint single layer. John

See attached Ti02

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Donā€™t know if this will be of any use but found this by looking at my bank account. were the supplierā€™s of the Titanium I have been using. Shame there is no more info shown, but itā€™s a lead thatā€™s worth following.
Found this on their website. Looks like the one I had. Vital Minerals Titanium Dioxide Food Grade ā€¢ E171 ā€¢ white powder ā€¢ food colour, TiO2 - Vital Minerals

:rofl: ā€¦better than red balances :+1:

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Just a bit of info here.
Ron is in the UK. For those of us in north America, the tablespoon Ron is using actually equals out to 1.20095 US tablespoons.
So anyone on the US side of the world may be getting there mixture wrong.


Size of a tablespoon changes by country?

Never heard of thisā€¦ I went with the standard metric (I thought) of 5ml for a teaspoon and 3 teaspoons to a tablespoonā€¦or 15mlā€¦

That is where I got the weightā€¦

No refute to @RonClarke, but Iā€™d prefer a weight ratio ā€¦ allows me to make different size batchesā€¦

We know what water weighs, but it would be easy to weigh 100ml of PVA. We know the weight of 15cc of TiO2.

200ml wonā€™t even touch the mixing blades of my handheld mixerā€¦


Ya, there is the difference.

Oz, gal, tablespoon, teaspoon and so on.