New to Rotary - PLEASE HELP!

I got the OMTech Pronto 80w a couple weeks ago. I got the 4 wheel rotary with it. I have yet to get it working properly. Every time I try to use it I get the Air Pressure Error. I go into RDWorks and change the delay after feed to 4000 and write it back. Restart programs and it usually works - but only temporarily. I continue to have to make those changes every time I try to test. When I finally got a test to actually engrave, it’s squished… Very frustrated. Can anyone help??

I’m not sure how this relates to a rotary. You machine appears to have an air pressure sensor. If it’s telling you there is no air pressure, you have to chase down that error.

You have to give us more specific information… doesn’t work properly doesn’t help us help you.

Did you get steps/rotation correct for your machine?


I only get the air pressure error when I try using the Rotary. I make the changes in RDWorks that others suggested and it will work temporarily. When I start a new test, I have to make those changes again. (When I’m using the regular bed to just cut/engrave I don’t have issues.) Also, regarding the “Squishing” of the test I tried, I did read that it may be the steps per rotation so I did try changing that value based on what I read however, after making that change, when I tried running it, I got the air pressure error again and couldn’t get it to go away. After searching for an answer for this, there seems to be a fair amount of people who had this issue after trying to use their rotary but I can’t seem to get it resolved?

I think you seem to have two problems. The air pressure should not have anything to do with a rotary unless you’re shutting it off somewhere.

When you run a rotary the controller is still thinking it’s a flat bed. So you should find and fix why you are getting an air pressure error.

Might want to read through this thread on setting up a rotary.


Thank you. I will read through it!

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