New Version Release Date and Changes


Can you give us an estimate of when a New Version will be released? Also which additions/changes will be included?

Thank you

Is there a feature or something you are looking for in particular? We are always working to produce the next release but donā€™t give hard release dates because if we find bugs weā€™ll spend the time to stabilize things rather than try to rush it out.


Hi Rick. Sorry. Iā€™m not rushing anyone, but Iā€™m really looking forward to the version where ā€œMulti-select nodesā€ and ā€œSplit/Break Vectors where they crossā€ will be available.


That is the one thing that I miss when I switched from RDWorks. Multi Node Select.


I see you made a comment on our voting site some 3 months ago looking for these additions. Now with the cross-country move behind us, development work is picking up again. We usually donā€™t comment on timing or whatā€™s coming, but maybe @LightBurn is willing to pull back the curtains and share some insight.


Neither of those are planned for the next release - Iā€™ve had a bunch of changes for vendors. Multi-select for nodes is a pretty large architectural change, so that wonā€™t be fast, but I can look at the split / break crossings feature and see if I can make that happen.


I have seen you refer to changes made for vendors a couple of times, what does that mean? Are the laser manufacturers or controller makers asking for features?

Well, ā€œlaser manufacturers or controller makersā€ are our customers as well and you know how we feel about customer requests. We love suggestions! :slight_smile:

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Do the vendors buy licenses to bundle with their hardware?

Essentially yes. Sometimes the features are specific to a particular machine and its hardware, but I try to make anything that isnā€™t machine specific available to everyone.

There are a few vendors already who bundle LightBurn - Darkly Labs is the biggest, with LightBurn being the software that ships with the Emblaser machines. Thunder Laser USA ships with LightBurn now, and as well as Aeon, and a number of smaller machine vendors. We have a few others circling.


That is excellent! The more that make LightBurn the default the better for all of us!

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Now if there was just a way to make filenames longer than 8 characters. I suppose thatā€™s not a problem when a PC is used to control the laser directly, but Iā€™m still using a flash drive to load *.RD files into my TL Nova 24.

The limitation is in the Ruida controller itself, not LightBurn - Sorry - canā€™t fix that one.

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Iā€™m not enjoying that RD works has good/great nesting, while Iā€™m doing it by hand on LB :frowning:

RD has nesting? When did that happen?

You mean Iā€™m guilty of believing someone else without checking? Damn.

Just downloaded the latest version right now to check.

That doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m any less cuckoo for nesting!

I donā€™t know that it does or doesnā€™t. Theyā€™ve had a button for ā€œnestingā€ that just uses the grid array to fill a box with your shapes, and I think some people have claimed it had nesting based on that. They may have fixed it, which is why I asked.

That will be it. Iā€™ve not used it for a long time and certainly not used any nesting feature. Someone mentioned RD Works nesting feature in a discussion of nesting.

Iā€™m one of the sad that sits there and manually nestsā€¦

Now that I have worked out how to make Deepnest work properly I occasionally use that.

So far I like SVGNest over DeepNest. Iā€™ve (slowly) started working on it, but itā€™s not simple.

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SVGNest was the cloud-based predecessor to Deepnest, wasnā€™t it? Same author? Heā€™s given up on Deepnest - so many unattended issues.

Iā€™m still unused to ā€˜unlimited internetā€™ plans and tend to downloadable tools, but will give SVGnest a go.

I had to go and adjust my and my wifeā€™s phones the other day to turn on all the wireless features as we had lived for so many years with expensive and limited plans in the third world :slight_smile: