No chance to update Firmware - Orturt Master 2 Pro

Hello everyone,

I started to have a lot of issues with my laser so I tried to update the Firmware for the fist time, but all the time I received error message 0X800701B1 - disconnect when I have tried to copy new version into the root.

Basd on the LB I have [VER:1.1f(ESP32).20210403:] and I have tried to get the latest one - OLM_2_PRO_Firmware_Release_1.55.

Is there something what I had miss, should I go FMW update step by step, or what is wrong?

Thank you.

The problem is you are trying to install… 1.55 on a 1.70 motherboard
Can you copy the welcome message that you get currently when connecting to Lightburn

Also what issues, so we can see if they are firmware related

[ORIGIN: China]



[MODEL: Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro]

[OLF: 170]

[DATE:19:08:08 - Jul 12 2021]



Thank you for a reply, I have issue which I have opened also

Will private message you so i can email you a beta 1.72

i have a ortur laser master 2 pro with the olm-pro-v10 motherboard. 1.5 firmware.
i cant get it to work says laser busy. when device setting i try to find my laser and it dont find it.
my email is please help